Easter Egg ideas?

  • Thread starter Hyst
What are some easter eggs you'd like? Midfield Monster to return?

Anyone got any easter eggs you'd like to see in GT5?

Maybe the infamous Laguna Seca drag strip?

EDIT: Trial Mountain monster, my mistake.
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The Monster in the midfield lake?

I know it was in GT2, and I think GT4 as well. Have a look in photo mode.

I'd also welcome a return of the sunbathing ladies at Monaco.
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The Monster in the midfield lake?

I know it was in GT2, and I think GT4 as well. Have a look in photo mode.

I'd also welcome a return of the sunbathing ladies at Monaco.
wow, have to check it out!
I thought it was Loch Ness in the Trial Mountain lake?

Anyway, just so long as they put the monkey in that branch in Trial Mountain then I'm happy. 👍

Ps: An actual easter egg that can be accessed from the Audio menu in the Option by pressing R1, R1, R1, R1, R2, R2, R2, R2, X, X, X, L3, R3, L1, Up, R3, Square, R2, Circle. That would be awesome.
Sorry, it was the Trial Mountain monster I was thinking about.

I swear there was something on Midfield though..

fishing boat maybe?
Sorry, it was the Trial Mountain monster I was thinking about.

I swear there was something on Midfield though..

fishing boat maybe?
Nope, the water was empty in both games. Gonna check Trial Mountain out later then!
common guys,there whas only one real monster and you all know it whas under the bridge of HSR....you have to stop at the left side of the bridge to see it though....

common guys,there whas only one real monster and you all know it whas under the bridge of HSR....you have to stop at the left side of the bridge to see it though....


Really? It's REALLY hard for me to detect sarcasm online.
A cool easter egg would be a special logo or text on a wall next to the track that would only be visible at a certain speed.
In GT4, you have to go into Time Trial on Arcade Mode and select Trial Mountain using the Ford Model T (afaik, only works w/ Model T). Get to the long tunnel, but don't go through it; instead, hit the left corner of the entrance That's your path to trippy land! Here's a (pretty dark) video of the glitch...(cue the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang theme)

From here, you can drive (or fly) all the way to the lake where the Loch Ness monster and a fisherman await you. The lake is on the corner just before the pit entrance.
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I'd love to see, on one of the sidestreets you can't go on in a city course, an unbadged Lamborghini. A nice gold Gallardo parked at 3/4 in the middle of the street, something you'd never see during racing/testing but would eventually find by accident through photo mode.
- Humourous messages spraypainted on the circuit a la the Nurburgring.
- "Stig Radio", an assortment of music and recordings on the radio you cannot hear anywhere other than the Top Gear Test Track; ranging from Elton John to Italian lessons, the kind of thing the Stig listens to on powerlaps.
- The Joker visible in the crowd on night stages.
- If you buy the Aston Martin DB5 and tae it to the car wash, the cleaners will accidentally set off revolving licence plates, tyre-slashers, smoke screen, oil slick or an ejector seat in the passenger side at random (the gadgets in the car from Goldfinger).
Well there has always been a lot of easter eggs in GT that most of us would probably know about.... but some of them were just plain fun! Like the CLK-DTM in GT2, and the Porsche 911 GT3 and the Lambo Diablo in GT3, and even some of those visual easter eggs on tracks such as Trial Mountain, Tokyo R246 and etc. The ones I would probably like to see is:

  • Having some bonus cars that we can't get without using cheats. Maybe cars like a McLaren F1, some real F1 race cars or some sort that are in the game, but left out during the release.
  • Having The Sig appear to drive around Top Gear Test Track only and get a bonus if you could beat his times.... :D
  • Secret tracks that only appears during random generated races (like in GT2)
  • Having a few cars that, when modified, to have more power than they supposed to have.
PD should just hire Rockstar to take care of the easter eggs.

I laughed my ass off when I spent 40 minutes trying to parachute onto the suspension bridge in San Andreas, only to find a sign proclaiming 'Go away, there's no easter eggs up here'.
ah yes, the F1's and Diablo hidden in GT3...I have the save with those on.

I'm still trying to find "bigfoot" on one of the GT4 tracks

every time I ran El Capitan (regular or rally), I kept looking for Captian Kirk on the mountian :P
If the Montreal Grand Prix circuit makes it into the game, I'd like to see the names of the drivers (in small writing) that hit the Wall of Champions at the point on the wall where they hit. That way, when you nudge it - or plow into it, as the case may be - you can see where you compare with the Big Kids.
You can see Jeremy Clarkson driving one of these on one of the streets of London if you stop and look for a while.
Ok, some Easter Eggs that could actually make it in the game:

- Kazza himself appearing in the crowd around the start/finish line
- PD should get in touch with Shuichi Shigeno and feature some of the Initial D cars with preset drift setups, and maybe a hidden touge track that can be accessed through a certain section of hollow wall on Trial Mountain. Or, maybe put the Akina down/uphill run as a track if Kazza didn't wanna get too silly. Oh, and only having Europop or whatever it's called playing while racing on the touge tracks.
- After reaching 100%, an arcade machine appears in the "Home" section. And on it you can play Gran Turismo 1.

Those'd be nice.
Here's a few ideas of my own:

- As a prize or download, I'd like to see updated (with GT5 physics, renders, etc.) previous GT intros
- F1 vs. Mini at Grand Valley (an easter egg in GT3, wasn't available in PAL versions, I believe) replay for download or as a prize
- Pink Toyota Yaris prize car
- GT3 had time trials in arcade mode, maybe as a ,reference to GT3, we could have those same time trials
i haven't followed the GT series for very long but i know most of the stuff about it, yet i don't know who Stig is. who is he?
The Stig is a characer in the TopGear TV show who drives all the performance cars around the shows test track to see which car is quickest. His true identity is kept secret but he's a pro racing driver or several.

The Stig is a characer in the TopGear TV show who drives all the performance cars around the shows test track to see which car is quickest. His true identity is kept secret but he's a pro racing driver or several.


being from the US and not wanting to pay to watch Top Gear of GT TV i wouldn't know that. is Top Gear similar to the Fifth Gear show that used to be on Speed Channel in the US? i think they had a similar anonymous test driver too.
Top Gear is more entertainment oriented than Fifth Gear, but yeah they compete with each other as shows. Fith gear has never had an anonymous test drive to my knowledge though.

I think they show old episodes of TopGear in the US too, you should check out the TopGear thread in the movies and TV section of the site there's a few Americans who watch it that post in there, they'll be able to tell you the channels and times etc if your interested.