easy money on e-bay

Hey, what if you got keys to an actual Ferrari in there? It is possible, according to what I've read. Not saying I'm going to be on the list to bid, but a 7,600 dollar Ferrari is fairly cheap.
Viper Zero
Maybe there is Anthrax in the envelope?

Ha... That's some serious ownage... Pay $ 7600 for an envelope, only to find out you're just inhaled 200000 anthrax spores !....
Peter Griffin: A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything!
Lois: But Peter...
Peter: We'll take the box.

That was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw that auction. It must be fun to take money from stupid people.
Internet casino GoldenPalace.com has bought a mysterious envelope for $7,600. The one-of-a-kind eBay auction has received an incredible amount of attention, as 117,000 people visited the “Mystery Envelope” page over the course of the auction. That kind of traffic is sure to bring the attention of GoldenPalace.com, who outbid 149 other curious would-be buyers. The seller refuses to say what is in the actual envelope, and now that GoldenPalace.com has it, time will tell if they choose to disclose the contents of this mysterious package to the world.
It look like they buy all kinds of crap. The Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese, the Lincoln Fry...
Keys are pretty useless without the car, don't you think?

Wow, maybe I'll have to actually spell this one out for you.

Items in package:
1. Keys
2. Paper with disclosed information with the whereabouts of the vehicle.

Now does it make sense?
Why doesnt one of us with an ebay account email this winner and ask him. I dont have an ebay account so im out. Im really dying to knwo the contents.
Peter Griffin: A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything!
Lois: But Peter...
Peter: We'll take the box.

That was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw that auction. It must be fun to take money from stupid people.

Doesn't it go like this? ;)

Peter Griffin: A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything! It could even be a boat! You know how much we've always wanted one of those!
Lois: But Peter...
Peter: We'll take the box.
Doesn't it go like this? ;)

Peter Griffin: A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything! It could even be a boat! You know how much we've always wanted one of those!
Lois: But Peter...
Peter: We'll take the box.
A friend pointed this out to me today when I was telling him about the auction and the thread. :banghead:
Doesn't it go like this? ;)

Peter Griffin: A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything! It could even be a boat! You know how much we've always wanted one of those!
Lois: But Peter...
Peter: We'll take the box.

it actually goes like this i was just watching that episode on dvd
Peter Griffin: A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything! It could even be a boat! You know how much we've always wanted one of those!
Lois: But Peter just take the boa...
Peter interupts: We'll take the box!
it actually goes like this i was just watching that episode on dvd
Peter Griffin: A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything! It could even be a boat! You know how much we've always wanted one of those!
Lois: But Peter just take the boa...
Peter interupts: We'll take the box!

Uh yeah, that's what he just said. :dopey:
Uh yeah, that's what he just said. :dopey:

Uh, no...

Originally Posted by tabs

Doesn't it go like this?

Peter Griffin: A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything! It could even be a boat! You know how much we've always wanted one of those!
Lois: But Peter...
Peter: We'll take the box.

it actually goes like this i was just watching that episode on dvd
Peter Griffin: A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything! It could even be a boat! You know how much we've always wanted one of those!
Lois: But Peter just take the boa...
Peter interupts: We'll take the box!

If the winnder of the auction was smart, he'd auction off the answer to what was actually in it. I'm sure he'd make up a dollar or two.
Uh, no...


Those three words add absolutely nothing to the joke, so s13drifting devoting his entire post to correcting it after it had already been corrected was a complete waste. 💡
what if just turns out to be like a playboy mag, or a bible or something...

it's got to be some form of documentation. that or it's car keys. lol.
I'm not saying anything other than stating an observation. It was an auction, so hes not ripping anybody off.
-If you look at what he has sold in the past....he is trying to make a big hit. Can't blame him. He says in his earlier auctions, "help me in my Quest for the cruise." The guy can prolly get his cruise now. Since all his other auctions went for like 1.50, and were supposed to be rare and valuable.