Editing out an overlay.

  • Thread starter milkmanv1
Hey guys, I joined up to see if anyone here could give me some help, I couldn't seem to find any other active forums with photo editing help.

I want to edit out part of an image. Such as, if someone was to take a picture, but then photoshop/pain, a black X over the face. If I was to save this picture from the internet, How would I restore it without harming the original image?

Is this black X already over their face and you want to remove it or are you looking to add said X yourself?

If you just want to remove the X, unless it's saved in a format that supports layers, like Photoshop's .psd, you can't. At least not in any way that I'm aware of.

If you are looking t place the X yourself, you can obviously just save it with a different file name.
No I know I how to add an X, thats very easy. I wanted to remove it, if I saved the picture from the internet and the image was already edited with the X.
Then I think you're outta luck. Try looking for a picture just like it, without the X.