Edumacate me

  • Thread starter Sage


Staff Emeritus
United States
United States
I primarily use Fireworks for graphics creation, and I think I’m pretty good with it. However, I feel that at some point in the future Adobe will take out its gun and give it a straight shot to the head, so it’s probably in my best interest to learn Photoshop and Illustrator.

I’ve been trying to play with them for a while, reading the manuals and the Help thingamob, etc. etc. But despite all of this, I somehow feel that I’m not understanding the basic paradigms that these two programs work under. I feel like when I look at a layer or a vector object, it’s lying to me – how come I can sometimes directly select a vector object, and sometimes I can’t? Why is creating a gradient so seemingly difficult? What basic principles am I misunderstanding?

Just as a meaningless example, let’s take this:

I created that in under 5 minutes in Fireworks (I probably could’ve done it in under two if I weren’t distracted by Penn Radio). I created a circle, gave it a colored radial gradient, added an inner shadow to give it some depth, created the little reflection thingie with two circles and a masked translucent gradient, then made a new circle and squished it a bit to make the floor shadow.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out how to do any of that efficiently in Illustrator or Photoshop – I can actually do each individual step, but it takes way too long, way too many steps, and way too much trial-and-error.

What am I missing? I realize it’s a bit difficult to know without actually watching me interact with the UI, but hopefully somebody here has struggled with the same issues and knows what I’m on about.

[edit]: Hah, I just realized that the graphic looks like my “Ban” button, except the reflection isn’t wavy.
Okay, fine, don’t help me you boogers. :P

Anyway, I might just have to go buy Fireworks CS3 – the more I interact with PS and Illustrator and the more I learn about how they work, the more I hate them. I’m starting to realize that even if I become really good with them and learned their ins and outs, they’re just nowhere near as efficient or sensible as Fireworks.
the more I interact with PS and Illustrator and the more I learn about how they work

Well that was my only advice anyway – you need seat time.

Which seemed too obvious to post, so…
fireworks is a vector based program i doubt you'll need to know illustrator.. but in any case, i dont use fireworks, am trying to learn illustrator and know a lot of photoshop.. that red sphere, i can do in photoshop in about the same amount of time..

edit: 6 hours later of playing on playstation...

i decided to make a new avatar..


i used photoshop, switched to imageready so i can save as a GIF..
Anyway, I just bought Fireworks today. Hurray for intuitiveness!
If you can teach me to make sharp things like that button or ball I can help you learn PS and illustrator. What exactly do you want to be able to do?

Start here with the pen tool. Hopefully it's straight forward enough for you to understand.