Electric Car Tuning

Dear, Mr Yamauchi

In the future will you be looking into alternative ways to tune electric cars as there is not much that can be done to tune a stock electric car. please notice I have listed some possible tuning methods with their pro's and con's?

Kind Regards


For Example:

Stage 1 Tuning could consist of:

  • Tweaking the electronic motor controlling pack
  • Higher Current motor cabling
  • Decreases range motor draws more power for better performance

Stage 2 Tuning could consist of:

  • Sports motor controlling pack added
  • Adding an additional 10% more batteries to the car
  • Increasing Range by 10%
  • added 10% more weight to the weight of the existing batteries

Stage 3 Tuning could consist of:

  • Racing motor controller pack added
  • Added an additional 30% more powerful & Lighter batteries
  • Increased Range by 30%
  • Liquid cooled race motors added
  • Intercooler required for liquid cooled motor
  • Added 20% more weight to the weight of the existing batteries

Add regenerative braking to electric cars without them.

Solar Panel
Adding a small solar panel on roof extend range by an extra 1-2%, please note no charging will occur at night or in tunnels.

Weight Reduction
Reducing cars weight as per usual to increase range & performance

- Being able to change the ratio of the single ratio gear
- 2 speed transmission might be possible???

For Electric car customization refer to the Electric Car Customization Page.
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that is such a good idea. When I tried to tune a tesla, I was a bit surprised there was no way to do it
Tuning for electric cars could move gran turismo foward ahead of it's competition

Good idea! Would be awesome if this came to be. And I agree with StigBelcher, it would definitely push GT ahead of the game. ;)
Like i mentioned in some other thread, I'd like an option to install a higher density battery pack. More energy per kg is possible, but at the cost of battery longevity, but that's not a concern for us in a game. This could possibly lower the car weight by several hundred kg, in addition to all the normal weight reduction you can perform on the cars. I imagine this would be one of the most expensive upgrades available for the cars. An option to install battery packs that are simply of a lower capacity for use in shorter races could be cool too.

Changing gear ratios should also be possible on electric cars, even if it's still just a single gear. Removing the software speed limit on certain cars (I think the Teslas have this) should also be possible.