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What do you think.... should city and state governments be allowed to exercise this law?
What do you think.... should city and state governments be allowed to exercise this law?
Yeah, but if I had to choose between living next to a politician or a Wal*Mart I would have to seriously think that one over.SwiftI would like to see the gov't come to one of the homes of the representatives and say, "We want to sell your property to Wal-mart because we'll make more in taxes with them then you" Yeah, I'm sure that'll fly. 👎
DukeNope. Eminent domain is only excusable - and then only just barely excusable - when there is a critical civic function that can only be accomodated in that particular area.
http://news.yahoo.com/news...It has been losing population and was fundamentally changed 35 years ago, when Interstate 75 was built through the middle of town. The neighborhood on one side of the highway started to deteriorate, becoming home to bars and auto repair shops, Williams says.
I actually considered opening a new account when I read this.BB&T Denies Loans to Businesses Benefiting from Eminent Domain
Monday, February 27, 2006
By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos
WASHINGTON Banks give away millions of dollars in charitable donations and loan guarantees to the underserved each year, but BB&T may have just become the first bank in recent memory to withhold money from developers who don't line up with the bank's view of eminent domain law.
Actually it is a case to case basis as to how much people get. Some people get triple the value and others get half. I guess it just depends on who is determining the value.IntegrafanI Don't agree AT ALL with Eminent Domain!!
Why should the Government be allowed to take your property for pennies on the dollar after you have worked hard for what you own?
Do you want to fix up a neighborhood? Good, pay the market value for it!
Do you want to put up office buldings, shopping mall's, schools etc etc........
then make a really generous offer. Don't just assume that the owner is willing to take whatever you decide to give or offer. These people should not be allowed to have that much power!
FoolKillerI actually considered opening a new account when I read this.
I agree 100%, I think it's pathetic that they'll take away your homes to build a few shops, if the town needs it economically theres other places to build 99% of the time. a home is a home, money doesn't always cover it, and a shopping center certainly isn't a reason to take peope's homes forcibly.DukeNope. Eminent domain is only excusable - and then only just barely excusable - when there is a critical civic function that can only be accomodated in that particular area.
Simply booting a bunch of people because you think you can make more money with their property than they do is not acceptable under any circumstances. I hope the Ohio Supreme Court rams this right back down their throats.
While I generally think that emotions should not get involved in politics and/or business this is where I deviate. You don't just take the house, you take a home. There's more than just wood, bricks, and paint in that place.live4speeda home is a home, money doesn't always cover it,