
  • Thread starter heero 12
yes, emulators are illegal i believe, correct me if im wrong, but since we all do illegal things, try downloading it from kazaa, just hope the CIA dont bust through your door and arrest you.. good luck....
If they haven't smashed in my door and slammed me to the ground yet they aren't gonna. I'm not saying I support the stealing from the hard working people who deserve what they earn, but what does the RIAA do that makes them so important? Oh well, off topic I guess. I only want to Emulate GT2, which I have a copy of next to my TV right now.
Geez, and I thought he was meaning where does one find the Event Generator. I should read more carefully.
Lucky I did not type the answer. That would have made me look real stupid.
piracy is cool, until you get caught... lol. but yeah you should try kazaa if you havent already, i had a gameboy emulator off there so i could play tetris at night when i am bored. lol
All the stuff I'm having a friend who's having a friend get right now is tuff you won't find new, the developer and publisher have both made all the money they ever will of these titles, so I don't see what's wrong with that, my computer is far more reliable then a SNES anyway, but let us not speak of such things anymore, banninater sense tingleing.......<.< >.>

Edit: And Kazaa is not P2P, it is spyware, that is all it is.
im not saying that you are ripping anybody off, all i was saying is that it is illegal, however if you own what you are downloading, i hardly call that piracy. you are right its not really hurting anybody.
I would have to get 500 people to download GT2 to impact it's sales by .01%, and they want it gone why? This is just like smoking pot, many people do it and get away with it, and some people get caught. I'm not trying to steal, I just don't have any money.
Emulators arent illegal, but owning a PS Bios in file form without owning the PS is. and there are ways to get it from the PS.

B.T.W. Epsxe is the best PS emulator Hands Down

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