That's what I initially thought and expected too, train a few Bob's to eventually become teammates in endurance races, just like in GT4 but more Bob's and a deeper, more thorough B-spec mode with the intention of becoming useful later on in A-spec (endurance races).
Instead we got basically the same, rather lame, B-spec system (with indeed more drivers) but now completely separated from A-spec with no use other than potentially being killed by boredom.
B-spec for B-spec's sake, the only reason I even bother with it is game completion and the rather sneaky incentive of separate price cars I found out reading this forum.
I really liked endurance races in GT4 where you had a stint for a few hours and then let Bob have his turn, just like real endurance races where it's not even allowed to drive solo for hours on end.
You could even speed it up and take the wheel yourself an hour or so later if you felt like it.
Not sure how I'll deal with the longer endurance races now, the 4 or 6 hour ones I can handle easily if I find the time (already completed a few) but 24 hours without a save function is simply a horrendously stupid task (and unnecessarily stupid if you'd asked me) if you're playing alone.
It would require driving 24 hours yourself (unrealistic itself) which would mean leaving on your PS3 for days on end I suppose (as driving 24 hours straight is a very bad idea), not sure how desired that is for many obvious technical reasons.
Sure, there are many I guess who invite a few friends over to actually race a 24 hour race as it's supposed to but I believe for many more this simply isn't an option.
For me it isn't, not because I'm a "Billy no mates"-type but I know my mates aren't the sort who reckon that's an acceptable pastime.
Granted, some of them play games occasionally and some of them even have a slight interest in automotive culture but not combined and to an extend like myself.
That's even without mentioning the practical side of things like being available to play a game together for 24 hours as "adults", each with their own lives and busy schedules (at least some have).
So I'm (like many more I reckon) hoping a save-option for endurance races is introduced shortly with the next update (or the one after that) if we can't use B-spec Bob that is.
There's a huge difference between being a challenging and exhausting event (which is what real endurance races are) and something which is unnecessarily challenging to the hardware and my electricity bill.
A simple optional save function for A-spec would still mean driving a 24 hour endurance race fully yourself (and remain totally unrealistic if that's the goal) but would make it much more bearable to experience it in bite size chunks to suit the schedule and lifestyle I guess of most (not only casual) players.
If you're reading this Kaz, endurance races are hardcore but there's a limit, please add a save function in a next update, if not I guess I'll eventually try them but it's just implemented unnecessarily daunting.
Sorry for this rather long rant........