Engine endurance

I know it does matter for "maximum performance" but the max cap of 5% doesnt seem to be too much difference for me. Im not into too serious tuning (just messing around with the transmission). What Im basically asking is that am I really going to have to replace all of my frequent racer cars? Oh and how often do I need to buy the rigidity refresher?
If you're not concerned with the HP drop then, no, you're not going to have to replace your frequent 'fliers' through engine wear. If the HP drop does become significant to you, you can counter it by buying new oil. This provides a boost to HP but is not as long lived as the 'stock' oil the car comes with. Given it's cheapness tho' it's not really an issue to replace it every 250 miles or so.

However, the chassis refresh that also kicks in every 250-300 miles or so is a different story. You will note a significant increase in unpredictable handling if you don't attend to it ... and it's not cheap.