"Engine Overhaul, then race until you can Oil Change"

  • Thread starter Larkas
Hello there guys! I understand the concept of a new engine "breaking in" to increase it's power, but I was wondering: how much breaking in is really necessary in-game? Should you make an engine overhaul, go to a short race just so the oil change option is available and make the change or should you run a few more miles until the oil is very dirty to do that? Which gives the best result in increasing power? I want to tune a "pet car", but I wanted to keep track of its maximum stock power so I can set a power limiter when I want to race it "stock-like", so this info would really be helpful! Thanks in advance 👍
Even new cars with zero miles allow an oil change because you are changing from cheap oil to racing oil, and this will give you a HP boost right off the bat. If you want to know the max 'stock' HP your best bet would be to do the first oil change with zero miles, make a note of HP, drive a few miles, do an oil change, make a note of HP, drive a few more miles, do an oil change, make a note of HP. Keep doing this until you are not gaining any more HP, and that's your max. For example, you buy a car, do an oil change, check the HP in your tuning menu, it says 150HP. Drive a bit, do an oil change, check HP, it says 152 HP. Drive a bit, do an oil change, check HP, it says 155 HP. It keeps going up (after the oil change), keep repeating until it stops going up (after the oil change). I hope you get what I'm saying.