In school, I took an engine design class and we're using a program called Engine Analyzer. It's really cool because you can change a lot of stuff on the engine, like bore, stroke, etc. It not a program where you increase the HP and that's it, it make you tune the engine itslef and it's specific parts to increase hp and torque. I think it would be cool if GT5 had this. Not mandatory though, because some people aren't into that sorta thing, but as an option like pro mode, maybe Pro tuning mode. What do you guys think?
There are a lot of variations that could be worked into GT5, depending on how involved you want to get. The entire engine performance range can be customised with parts and tuning. e.g. different camshafts give different torque and power curves. Variable valve timing and such add to that. Cams need to be matched to the profile of the car - you couldn't use NA oriented cams in a turbo car, because they need their own optimised cam profile. What would be nice would be to have a 'performance workshop', where you can accurately change and tune parts, and have a power/torque chart to show you exactly what each mod does - if it's done accurately (i.e. true to real life) it would be very educational as well.
I have played NFSU2, and the one thing I liked about it was the fact that it had the dyno shop, and you could tune your cars to a degree - turbo boost, ecu profile, nitrous shot profile, etc. As useful/useless as it may have been, I think it was nice to have.
What about experimenting with 'hybrid' turbos from manufacturers, and seeing what it does to the performance of the car? Different cams? Different ECU settings?
You could have a 'recommended' package with a general tuning to suit the engine layout, and then tweak it from there. If all went pear-shaped, then it would be nice to have a 'reset to defaults' button to erase any mistakes.
In this case you could save performance profiles, and load them as needed to customise your cars for optimum performance on different tracks.
Again, you could have this function selectable, and just have a classic GT style tuning interface for anybody who doesn't want to fiddle too much.
Just some thoughts.