• Thread starter Jmac279
I would like some help setting up ePSXe if possible ...

I have no idea what I'm doing :P

I followed the directions on the Help section on epsxe.com, but it didn't exactly inspire confidence that I had everything set up properly ... What plug-ins should I be using with Windows XP ? What settings ? etc.

Help ...

Problems so far ...

1) Can't get it to read .iso or off virtual drive, but it will run from the actual CD-ROM ... I would really like to run it off of either of these as I hate using the CD-ROM (I've made .isos of all my games because of this reason).

2) I'm only running at 25-30 fps on the main menu ... While racing, I'm at a constant 60 fps ... Sound is COMPLETELY messed up, it takes forever to load, etc. Racing is fine (looks awesome compared to PS), but the slowness of the menus is even more painful than PS ...
I use ePSXe all the time :)

I'm running it on WinXP and these are the plugins/settings i use:

Pete's OpenGL driver 1.65 (Pete's DX6 D3D Driver 1.65 works fine too)

Pete's DSound Audio Driver 1.15

Pete's CDR ASPI/IOCTL Driver 1.10

and the other options...

These settings might be a bit different depending on your hardware, like your Gfx card memory for example.

I use Alcohol 120% to emulate a virtual CD drive and then i just specify that drive on ePSXe configuration.
I recomend you to use the ePSXeCutor, so you can easily setup/launch different configurations (to run diferent games or to use different memcards without having to change configuration all everytime)
I'm running ...

AMD Athlon 2500+
512 MB PC2700
nVidia GeForce4 MX440 (overclocked significantly)
A few hours worth of tweaks to windows
Only minimum programs running in background

I don't understand why my computer can't handle it :P
Well... your PC is better than mine, i have:
P4 1.7GHz, 256MB RAM, GeForce2 64Mb

Your PC is good enough to run it easily.

I only have some graphic glitches on race selection menus, everything else is fine, no speed issues either.

Have you tried my settings? Which plugins are you using?
I tried your settings with those plug-ins and they work fine, actually ... except the CD-ROM part ...

Although the new OpenGL drivers looked significantly better ...
I downloaded the trial version of Alcohol 120%, made a new copy of GT2 (using the Playstation copy thing), affixed that to the virtual drive, and it works flawlessly ... but not using Pete's CDR driver, I had to use the ePSXe WinXP one ...

Music was so choppy using the disc, now it's fine ... Load times improved significantly, as well ...

I just wish I could use that new OpenGL driver, it looks so much better :P Oh well, I guess I can't complain too much, this looks inifinitely better than on PS ...
That's good :)

One thing i like on using the emulator is that i can use as many memcards with garages as i want. Created different configurations, with different memcards, and launch the one i want when starting the game.
Working on my 3rd garage at the momment :D
Wow, it's amazing how much quicker I am on the computer ... :D I think it's probably because of the controller (Logitech Dual Action), which seems to have quicker steering ...

The Brake tests aren't the same, though ... The timer seems to just continue going for another half a second, even though you're stopped ... Took a while to get the B license because of it (~1 hour instead of the usual 20-30 minutes on PS) ...

First time I've ever gotten a Blue Spoon S2000
Wow very nice S2000 👍
I only got the silver one... i also have a red one but from a saved game i downloaded from the net.

For me i'm as fast on PSX or PC (using keyboard... :yuck: ) but on PC i can't use the handbrake+accelerator like on PSX... :(