Equipment for online gaming?

  • Thread starter Pelikan
United States
Fayetteville, AR
I searched and i cant figure out what i need exactly for my ps2 7000 series for online play? help? a list would be nice...: )
GT4 unfortunatly does not suport online play. However you could always try xlink. I dont know much about it though. If you just want to play online with other games you need a network adaptor. The 7000 series should already come with one. Just connect a internet cable to the back and configure your settings.
really? which gran turismo game does support online gameplay??? i beleived it was gt4

None of them did, but there was a beta for online mode given to a few people, I believe someone on here had it... Otherwise your out of luck. :indiff:
The only way to get gt4 "online" is with xlink basically tricks the ps2 into thinking online is a lan game....look in the drift forum for configuration guide and a recently added how to connect to a game threads....all you would need is a router and hook up the ps2 with cat 5 cables...O you need a pc that is HARD wired as well...hope to see you on xlink.
Below are helpful links to xlink threads...first link is setup...second link is how to join a game..enjoy!
Sorry to revive an old thread, but I figured it was better than creating a new one, as it would just be a waste of space.

I have all of the capabilities to go online with the PS2 (broadband, ethernet cable, slimline, online profile thingy on memory card).
What I'm wondering is, does it cost at all? Or does it just chew into your bandwidth and send your downloads through the roof?