Error 774 fixes

Okay, did some looking around this morning and did find some info on the 774 error that plaques some players. the info I found was spread all around in different places, so below is a compiled list of some possible fixes for the 774 error that keeps you out of online games.

Basically, you need to have a NAT2 connection. Many people are getting NAT3 connections and that's the main issue.

MTU value - Set up you internet connection via the XMB and manually set your MTU value to 1492. Test the connection and see if you get NAT2.

UPnP - Randomly my PS3 will not register availability of UPnP from the router. Set up the connection again to see if it registers UPnP and NAT2.

Port Forwarding - You can try setting up port forwards for GT5. You can find a guide for your router here. For quick reference, the ports are 5223 (TCP/UDP), 3478 (UDP), 3479 (UDP) and 3658 (UDP). This requires you to set a static IP in the PS3's connection settings.

Bypass the NAT firewall - Many routers have an option to put an IP address outside of the NAT firewall. My Belkin only allows it to be one IP address and it's labeled "DMZ." this may be different on your router. To do this, check the firewall settings on your router and set up a static IP for your PS3 to place it outside the firewall.

I hope this info helps everyone. 👍 I tested these fixes today and was successfully online for a couple of hours. Others that had issues connecting recently were also able to connect with these methods.
Been having this issue myself and it's gotten to the point where its not worth playing gt5 anymore :ill:

Bought the game on launch and its been 100% fine online till about 2 weeks ago. Now host error keeps me out of games with people that I used to join without issue, And after about 50 public rooms I find one that doesn't give host error and connects, Then usually in the first lap I get disconnected from the room (No host didn't leave) thought it's usually in the first corner...

So far Ive tried clearing gt5's cashe, UPnP is available, Haven't checked MTU value but I'm already NAT 2, Was going to try port forwarding but didn't know what to forward and it's pointless now that I do know because Ive already got it in DMZ. Still having same problem and Ive got a good internet connection to.

All the while ps3 itself is staying connected and no other game has disconnected on me :(
Hope someone has a fix soon
TouringBubble, I put my PS3 into the DMZ on my router, solved my booting problems. I am still having major problems with latency though. Any ideas on that front? My connection seems good, 1.3mbps down and 750kbps up with a 40-50ms ping time. Results on packet loss are a little cryptic as the website I tried for that returned the same server constantly loosing packets but none of the other 9 servers did.

Sorry, I know its a little unrelated about the latency issues, but I thought you might have an idea.