Escudo(and don't tell me to search!!!)

I try the setting for the Escudo to make wheelie(in the search)but it dosen't work!Anybody can give my the REAL settings for make wheelie with the escudo???

courtisy of :

Front Rear (If Appliable)
Spring Rate: 0% 0%
Ride Height: 0% 0%
Shock Bound: 70% 70%
Shock Rebound: 70% 70%
Camber Angle: 0.0 0.0
Toe Angle: 0.0 0.0
Stabilizers: 50% 50%

BRAKE SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
Brake Balance: 30% 30%

GEAR SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
LS Initial Torque: 0% 0%
LS Accel: 0% 0%
LS Decel: 0% 0%

Gear Ratio (CRITICAL!!!)
Auto Setting: 100% Wide
1st: -500 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
2nd: -500 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
3rd: -500 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
4th: -500 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
5th: -500 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
6th: -500 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
7th: -500 (If It Stops, its okay, leave it there)
Final: 45-50% (you Judge)

OTHER SETTINGS (Not Required) Front Rear (If Appliable)
Downforce: 0% 100%
ASM: Level 0
TCS: Level 0

TIRE SETTINGS Front Rear (If Appliable)
Tires: Super-Softs Super-Softs

Other Notes
Spring Settings Dont really matter in this set.

The Brake Settings dont matter really in this set.

The Gear settings are Critical. Dont Touch them, make sure you
follow them exactly, just generally hold <- down until it stops.

The Downforce IS a requirement, and once you hit 215-230, youll find
out why.

ASM and TCS just serve to slow the vehicle down with Accel and speed
at Certain points in Racing (Such as a Turn or an unbalanced Road).
And with this, you Dont want them to touch your gears.

The Tires
YEA! ..Take Supa-Softs ONLY for this one.
Another tip. Reverse as far as you can before going forward.

Also try to be straight at the start of the straights.

You can also go completely in the wrong direction as this will give you as much track time as you want before restarting. ie turn around and go clockwise not counter clockwise.

I had problems to begin with. I was steering too much which interrupts the "take-off"
It's also hard to steer the thing with this config IMO. Getting off the wall and on the straight is critical to doing it properly.

Try it with the Toyota GT-1 Race Car. I could go over 1000 MPH EASY.
Originally posted by danibus
It's also hard to steer the thing with this config IMO. Getting off the wall and on the straight is critical to doing it properly.

Try it with the Toyota GT-1 Race Car. I could go over 1000 MPH EASY.
How so ?
I sure can speak English. I would be able to speak better English if I knew what your problem was and could perhaps help you sort it out. Hey, I'm that kinda bloke.
Originally posted by Trueno86power
I try the setting for the Escudo to make wheelie(in the search)but it dosen't work!Anybody can give my the REAL settings for make wheelie with the escudo???
I suggest to use the search button!!
Just kiddin' :P
as on screen wheelie settings...

Spring Rate... F:4.0kgf/mm,R:4.0kgf/mm
Ride Height... F:75mm, R:75mm
Shock Bound.. F:level 7, R:level 7
Shock Rebound... F:level 7, R: level 7
Camber Angle.. F:0.0, R:0.0
Toe Angle.. F:0.0, R:0.0
Stabilizers... F:Level 5, R:Level 5

Brake Balance F: level 7 R:level 7

Limited slip Initail Torque F:60 R:60
Limited slip Accel. F:60 R:60
Limited slip Decel. F:60 R:60

Gear Ratio 1st 5.077
3rd 2.221
4th 1.637
5th 1.275
6th 0.965
7th ------
Final 2.843

Down force F: 0.38, R:1.08

no ayc
Active Stability Management Level 0
TCS Controller Level 0
VCD Controller 10%

This worked on my game. Gear ratios just pushed to the left. Final gear can be adjusted for better results. This Final gear works though.