Escudo, SP1, and RM tickets!


Out is the Daytona, in is the Stealth TT
United States
Pittsburgh, USA
This is my first time trading anything, so please tell me if I have done something wrong.
What I would most like is silver chrome paints.
Okay, now to the goods. :)

I have:

Ferrari SP1
Suzuki Escudo
Honda Integra RM

unused Chevy Camaro RM (if that can be traded)
and TWO FULL undownloaded DLC touring car packs (if those can be pieced out and traded as well).
The Escudo Ticket is untradeable, as are the DLC Touring Cars.

Add s0ul_chicken and I can give you five free chromes at reset. Good luck and welcome to the Marketplace!
Add SpiritHockey61, ill send you gold and silver for free. Allthough i am kind of confused at your dlc. I dont think those can be traded. Unless you're talking like gamesharing them.
Figures, what I have is useless to me. :crazy:

I thought when trying to download GT5's first DLC (the complete pack with the TCs, paints, and gear), it wasn't working. So I tried it again, and then again. And as it turned out, it did work and it resulted in me having three of everything.
I just finally decided to do something about it. :ouch:

I just assumed that because they were tickets, that they could be traded but if I opened them they wouldn't be able to be traded because the cars are worth over 1,000,000 credits (which I did know that you can't trade cars over 1,000,000).

Thank you guys for the tips though!
s0ul_chicken and SpiritHockey61, expect a friend request! :P
There is a way to trade the DLC, but you'll have to share account info ( password and email ) wich I do not recommand! If you have friends in real life that play gt5 than you could. Want me to explain it? Also, still looking for those Chromes?

Figures, what I have is useless to me. :crazy:

I thought when trying to download GT5's first DLC (the complete pack with the TCs, paints, and gear), it wasn't working. So I tried it again, and then again. And as it turned out, it did work and it resulted in me having three of everything.
I just finally decided to do something about it. :ouch:

I just assumed that because they were tickets, that they could be traded but if I opened them they wouldn't be able to be traded because the cars are worth over 1,000,000 credits (which I did know that you can't trade cars over 1,000,000).

Thank you guys for the tips though!
s0ul_chicken and SpiritHockey61, expect a friend request! :P

Generally, tickets are tradeable unless it is for a specific car - if that car goes for more than a million, then the ticket just like the car is untradeable.

Good luck sir!!
I wouldn't even share the account details of a newly created account. You know why? Because it's against Sony's ToS and they will report your IP and legal action could be taken against you
Hey McZachenF138,

Welcome to the wonderful world of trading ;) If you need any further chromes or matte paints send an FR to Igwyana and I can send for free.

If you want bargaining tools for trades using your DLC then I would offer brand new premium cars in DLC painted colours as lots of people often want these 👍
FR accepted - will send you five chrome after reset sir!

EDIT! Sent off the five silver chromes! Enjoy!
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