Etiquette (using your lights in the right manner)

United States
Fresno, CA, USA
So before we get to Nurburgring in GTWS, can we have a discussion about Etiquette when using your lights? So the reason Gran Touring and Prototype vehicles have lights is not just for seeing in the dark. They are used to let the drivers around you know what is going on with your vehicle.

*Flashing your headlights: Used to let lapped cars know you are a faster car and not the car directly behind them in the running order.
In very limited cases may also be used if you have such a run up on someone that you will pass them or hit them. Say if they are on slicks in the rain and you are on rain tires. (They should have there hazard lights on)

*Hazzards (4 way flashers): Use these only when you honestly have little to no control of your vehicle. Examples include when you have the wrong tire for the conditions, your tires are worn so bad that you can not keep the vehicle under control, you are out of fuel and, that rare but possible your vehicle has so much damage it can not keep race pace. Please try to stay off the racing line when traffic is behind you. If you do this you will not need to use your turn indicator.

*Turn indicator: In racing these are used to indicate to the faster vehicle behind you what side it is safe to pass you on. Please try to stay out of the racing line and signal the faster driver to the racing line side of the track.

If we all remember to use the lights for what they should be used for and not just show off or as a distraction to other drivers, we all will be faster and much less stressed out on the track. And with force feedback maybe less sore the next day from not getting rammed into a wall. Meaning, we will all have more fun racing each other in any race we are in. 😉

Thank you and see you need race day.
In my experience:

Flashing headlights = Either "Let's work together to close the gap to cars ahead" or "I'm furious and I'm going to obliterate you". You'll find out which at the next braking point

Turn Indicator = Either "Pass me on the left" or "I'm moving left". You'll find out which when you're fully alongside

Hazards = I hit a button on my wheel by accident and haven't noticed so these are on now until the end of the race
This is only the "right manner" in your eyes, not the right manner for everyone.

If someone behind is flashing their lights, it's probably because they're pressing down on the left stick as they steer, and are unaware they're doing it.

And as @watto79 said, indicators can mean either thing.

IMO hazards are usually for a "sorry" or a "thanks." In real life, they generally shouldn't be used whilst moving.
Hazards are very much used in motion in real-life Japanese traffic for showing appreciation to the driver behind for letting you cut in front of them relatively trouble-free. This “thank you” signal is also heavily used in the Japanese lobbies I drive, generally for not fighting too much when someone makes a pass.
I don’t even have any of the lights, wipers or horn functions mapped on my controller as they didn’t make the cut of functions I need to use in the game. Lights automatically turn on when needed and off when not.

I rarely race online, but when I do, my experience has been as follows:
Flashing headlights of any kind from behind usually mean “I’m mad at you” or “I’m intentionally trying to ram you off the track”.
The ones that use turn signals and hazards are generally the people that think they’re playing GTA.
The ones that get on your a** and stay there, refusing to pass you, while flashing their lights are trying to tell you “I drive a BMW in real life” I think.
Flashing headlights is mainly “You hit me! Give the spot back!”

Activating hazards is mainly “Yeah, you got me back. I give up.”
I usually flash the headlights when I get overtaken in a not so clean manner. I do this quite often and that's why I have the hazards mapped to X on my wheel. If I let someone pass me for whatever reason I use the hazards.
I remapped L3 to be my wipers. That way everyone around me can say, "Why's that idiot got his wipers on?" while I don't notice at all because I drive in bumper cam. :lol:
Maybe in the next update PD will give us DS users haptic feedback and controller audio for when wipers are running on a dry windshield like they did with raindrops on the windshield.
I use them as I would in real life. Turn signal means I'm taking that side of the track, 4 way means my car poses a hazard (out of gas, wrong tires, coming back on track, etc.)
There is no equivalent in game to the reason I'd flash my headlights. If I'm passing back markers, I'll work with them to get by safely.
There are no police 3 miles ahead, and no oncoming traffic with brights, so no need to flash them to say, "turn your brights off, moron."
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There's not enough buttons on the T300 to map all these features. I have toggle and flash lights mapped to R3, hazards mapped to X and that's it, no other spare buttons to map left and right turn signals.
I use hazards to apologise if I accidentally hit someone and I use them to say thanks if an obviously slower car allows me to pass. Never flash the headlights for any reason though
It worked fine in the past games with toggle parkers-low beam-high beam. I miss that. I want to have my lights on all the time.