European Leftism


Yes, I am still alive.
Staff Emeritus
At the moment at least, I am not offering any opinions in this thread on the following subject, I'm mostly curious about what Europeans think.

The European continent has been considered by many to have a left to far left slant (socialist) for a number of years. What are your opinions of that?

  • If you agree with it, do you think the leftism is good as it is or needs to be lessened?
  • If you disagree with it, do you think there is too litle leftism the way it is now, or too much?
  • If you would prefer it to be less liberal and perhaps more conservative, which model of conservatism would you prefer to influence Europe?
  • Same question but switch the philosophies.
  • What are the main differences beween American and European Liberalism?
  • Same question but switch the philosophies?
It might help if you define some circles I may be considered a leftist just because I believe that anti drug laws are stupid and a waste of money. What exactly is a leftist ?