Everyone MUST watch this...

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Ok. I just finished watching a film called Loose Change - 2nd Edition - What Really Happened on 9-11. Now, i have been a sceptic of 9-11 since it happend. And being an American makes me want to know even more. I HIGHLY encourage ALL of you to watch this film. It is a little under ! hour and 1/2, but it is well worht your time. This is where you can watch it:


And this is what has been said about it:
"This is the best damn 9-11 documentary out there." -Dave vonKleist, Producer of "911:In Plane Site" Loose Change is an ... >all » extremely hard hitting, heavily referenced documentary. It has the best footage that I have seen to date, of all the bombs and explosions going off at the World Trade Center. He covers each individual aspect of 9/11 in keen detail, and after watching 'Loose Change' it is almost impossible to walk away and not believe that 9/11 was engineered, not by Osama, but by our own Government.

Lastly, this is the directors site:

Go there, view the forums and read...and realize. Please, it doesnt matter to me if youre an American or not. You NEED to know abut this. Watch it. You wont regret it.
these people?! watch it and take it in my friend. trust me, everyone needs to watch this. granted ive forgotten about it. i wanted to. i knew people who passed. and flight 93 almost landed on a few of my friends houses! now, please, dont be a sceptic and atleast give the video a try. thats all im asking
This phenomenon is a powerful comment on what people think the current staff of the Executive Branch is capable of. It's more about BushCo than the theorists.

Cheney has earned that sub-twenty approval rating.
Thousands of Americans willingly died to create 9/11, so we could get some oil? No sir, I don't believe it. Although I'm no supporter of G.W. Bush and his administration, I'm not at all convinced they could have pulled off something of this magnitude on innocent civilians. Not to mention, a lot of it doesn't add up just because a dozen or so witnesses weren't actually sure what had occurred.

Duke pretty much blasted away every bit of this theory some time ago. It should be named Loose Screws, because it's mostly a bunch of theories without much foundation. I'll take his word for a lot of it, since it seems to based on facts and his own expereince, rather than just some silly dotted lines drawn about by some crackpots.
I'd love to just sigh and lock this, because there's frankly more mileage in me trying to prove that the Loch Ness Monster is making whoopee with the Sasquatch in my spare bedroom than trying to prove anything but 3 planes hit 3 buildings and one other missed on 9/11 - and we've been over and over all of this before. Twice.

But I can't.
I dunno. I figured it to be a whole new edition of barely credible conspiracy vom... I haven't bothered watching either :D
these people?! watch it and take it in my friend. trust me, everyone needs to watch this. granted ive forgotten about it. i wanted to. i knew people who passed. and flight 93 almost landed on a few of my friends houses! now, please, dont be a sceptic and atleast give the video a try. thats all im asking
It's bullpuckey, start to finish. Utter and complete.
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