Excersice and Growth

This guy told me that excercising stunts(SP) your growth. Is there any truth to this? If there is, Ill stop riding my bike execpt for PE(we get homework...FOR PE!!!)
Im already 4'9 and I dont want to be smaller.
Also, does riding my bike benefit my abs? All biking here is up and downhill you can feel the burn.
If you can feel the burn in your abs then you train them with it, even though I think it is kinda weird to train them by riding a bike. By the way exercising doesn't make you shorter, whoever came up with that fable must have smoked crack. Maybe intense weight lifting might get you a little shorter, but that's because of the constant pressure on your spine / knees, not because of the exercise itself.
Cycling does actually work your abs more than you think. If you take up the usual seated position whilst riding and make sure that when you peddle down, your leg is almost at full stretch, then you are actually working yours abs as they pull up the leg at full stretch and let go.

I cycle about 10 miles most / every day, and I cycle 25 miles on every other Saturday. I am also doing the London to Brighton bike ride, which is 54 and 1/2 miles long.

But I did hear that any boys between the ages of 12 - 27years have a 40% chance of not having kids because of where their balls are, and what 'functions' they are doing round this time :scared:
If you do alot, and I mean alot, of road running, or something similair you can. Then you can expect to lose a centimetre maybe because the cartlige in you spine and legs will compress slightly.

You can also shorten due to high Gs.

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