Excessive Force?

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You're damn right that was excessive, and totally uncalled for, force. Resisting arrest my ass! He had 2-3 cops on top of him. Even if he was resisting, you don't need to whack him upside the head 10 times with a flashlight(the one's the use are comparable to a baseball bat). I hope every cop there loses there job.
Man, I think the suspect was sleeping with the third cop's wife or something personal like that.

Check out that opening kick by the third cop! :crazy:
Josh why would you want the cops to lose their jobs? The criminal stole a car and hit another car, he was a threat (well not when he was getting beaten on), he shouldn't have stolen the car in the first place. The cop was using excessive force and he shouldn't have, but you can't really tell from a copper that high, maybe the guy pulled out a knife or something. The guy deserved a good beating anyway I would have hit him like once and made it look like an accident.
This story has been in the news every day here in the LA area since it happened. It's just another proud moment for the LAPD. The last "proud moment" was when one LAPD officer, on live TV, shot a suspect in the back 9 times for "attempted assault with a deadly weapon on a 'Peace Officer.'" The suspect was backing up at 2 MPH tword the officer. "Oh no, can't jump out of the way in time, gotta shoot the bastard in the back." The last word was the family members were suing he city for untold millions.

Looks like business as usual for the LAPD.
Josh why would you want the cops to lose their jobs?

The cop was using excessive force and he shouldn't have

You answered it for me. If I beat somebody upside the head with a flashlight at my job I'd get fired on the spot - especially if two of my buddies were already pinning him to the ground.
I've seen worse than that by Police in town on a Saturday night. They normally do it out the way of CCTV an just claim he fell over because he's too drunk to remember. I remember hearing of one incident where a man was arrested and taken to the station and because they'd beat him up he was throwing up and was barely concious and they just chucked him on the floor. Then he started complaining of chest pains, but they ignored him. Half an hour later, one of the officers checks him and finds he's dead.
The Police got away with it of course.
Yup, this looks like a case of excessive force and it has been on the news in LA. That one police officer that was beating the guy should be prosecuted. I don't know if the others have a duty to stop him since it would put them in danger to remove their concentration from the suspect.
When are these idiot cops going to realize that they can't get away with this crap ? he needs to get fired twice once for abusing his power and once for being an asswipe idiot.
he needs to get fired twice once for abusing his power and once for being an asswipe idiot.

^ :lol: yup, right on! Why shouldn't they lose there jobs undrtaker? They are police officers, "to protect and to serve". Not "to beat the helloutta ya because you made me break a sweat". Ok, he shouldn't have stolen the car, and he shouldn't have comitted a hit'n'run either. But he was not presenting a threat at the time. Don't you think if he was resisting (he didn't look too unhealthy) that the cop sitting on top of him would be moving around more, or that the suspects feet would be kicking around? If he's not a threat at the time, then you don't use force. Now, if he shot a cop, then i'd be much more sympathetic. But as far as i know he didn't hurt anybody.
or that the suspects feet would be kicking around?

If you watch the feet it's pretty clear that he wasn't resisting. I don't think I'd try to fight with my toes pointing at the ground.

There is no way that police are supposed to be the hell out of someone who has given himself up - no matter what he's done beforehand. If he were resisting, this would be a whole different story and I'd say he deserved it.

What that cop who was wailing on the guy did was likely criminal and he should probably go to jail (which is not good for police officers 'cause the people inside don't like them... but that's another problem).
(which is not good for police officers 'cause the people inside don't like them... but that's another problem).

yeah, he shoulda thought about that before he did what he did... dumb@$$ I believe he should go to jail.

Hey, we agree on 3 things now!!! whoopee! :lol:
You answered it for me. If I beat somebody upside the head with a flashlight at my job I'd get fired on the spot - especially if two of my buddies were already pinning him to the ground.
Thnx for cutting out most of my message, I'm trying to say that cops protect the city and I don't see many people these days saying they want to be cops. Why fire them, its their job and like I said maybe the cop had an excuse to use that kind of force.

Who would you believe a criminal or a friggin cop?
Thnx for cutting out most of my message, I'm trying to say that cops protect the city and I don't see many people these days saying they want to be cops. Why fire them, its their job and like I said maybe the cop had an excuse to use that kind of force.

Who would you believe a criminal or a friggin cop?

I would believe the camera that showed the friggin cop beating the criminal unnecessarily.

If you look at the video, you can see that the only person who really does anything wrong is the third cop.

The first cop gets to the criminal. BOOM! Perfect takedown. The criminal can't really do much to fight back now.

The second cop gets to the criminal. BOOM! Textbook assistance. He grabbed the criminal's legs like he's supposed to.

The third cop shows up and gets to the criminal. WHAT THE HELL? He begins his assault with an off-balanced-ass kick to the criminal's head and then starts beating the man with the flashlight. That is absolutely not what was supposed to be done, even if the criminal was resisting(which he was to a small degree).

I could understand maybe hitting the guy over the head once or twice, but 10 times?

So with that being said, I don't think every cop involved in that should lose their job, as Josh said earlier,just the third guy who was clearly out of line and is really the only person that did anything wrong.
I think the cops should use whatever force necessary......In these days criminals have WAY too many rights, and jail time really doesn't seem mean **** to a lot of these guys. The guy stole a car whatever, he deserves to get the **** kicked out of him. Why doesn't he buy his own car?? He's probably a lazy bastard on welfare with nothing better to do. Criminals won't ever learn if you don't teach them, and todays justice systems dont seem to teach at much......GO ahead cops do your jobs...and beat up criminals once in a while, they deserve it!!
so whats to stop you from getting your head handed to you anytime a cops got his balls twisted ? Lets get the gestapo going! Every police officer I know thinks what that guy did was unproffessional and uncalled for. my dad who was a sherriff for 30 years said the " stupid f*&k needs to spend some time in jail with the rest of the criminals " the closest I've heard a cop come to defending the punk is to say " he should of at least had the sense to kick his butt WITHOUT a camera being present" ! Well DUHHHH news copters...noise.
The police have a hard enough job solving crimes and protecting themselves and others, what that asswipe did put every cop he works with at risk ! His own guys should kick his sorry butt. L. A. 'aint no playground to begin with.
it was unprofessional, but if an idiot is going to be a threat i think its ok to use force give the guy a feeling to know what happens when you put other peoples lives in the at risk. But only hit him if your cop friends aren't tying him up.
it was unprofessional, but if an idiot is going to be a threat i think its ok to use force give the guy a feeling to know what happens when you put other peoples lives in the at risk. But only hit him if your cop friends aren't tying him up.

okay, what are you missing? Where, at the time of the beating, was the suspect being a threat? He had TWO cops on him already, who obviously did not see the need to beat the guy. my hat is off to those two. Now, to get picky i think one of them should have stopped the 3rd cop. But i still respect those two.

and hanker your coments, in my opinion are pretty shortsighted. If cops acted like you wanted them to, then what happens to all the falsely arrested people? they get their arses beat. You want us to turn the clock back and devolve into a less civilized nation.
and hanker your coments, in my opinion are pretty shortsighted. If cops acted like you wanted them to, then what happens to all the falsely arrested people? they get their arses beat. You want us to turn the clock back and devolve into a less civilized nation.

Not at all, but when you're chasing a guy in a stolen car, and he bails to try to get away....I dont think hes going to be "falsely accused"

If cops see a person clearly breaking the law and being a threat to society....go ahead kick his ass we dont need people thinking that they can commit a crime and got off with a slap on the wrist....the only problem is, is that many already do think that way.

I shorter terms I just think criminals have far too many right, and need to be taught a tougher lesson in prisons, and if roughing them up a little at their arrest spot helps I say go for it!
Not at all, but when you're chasing a guy in a stolen car, and he bails to try to get away....I dont think hes going to be "falsely accused"
The dude went over his uncles house and grabbed his car. the Uncle leaves without telling the aunt. aunty comes home cant find the car and reports it stolen.
The cops chase the dude and he bails running for his life because the cops have already beaten his ass and those of his friends so he's scared crapless. ( this is LA right ) the cops catch him and tune his ass up for "stealing a car "
YOU ASSUME TOO MUCH. Thats why you are inocent until proven guilty and those cops by law beat up an innocent man.
The story above is hypothetical.
Do you guys remember the one about a black guy who was arrested and slammed by an officer, I think, can't quite remember it at the moment! Now that was excesive force!
I shorter terms I just think criminals have far too many right, and need to be taught a tougher lesson in prisons, and if roughing them up a little at their arrest spot helps I say go for it!

Rather than develope a deep sense of resentment and hatred it will make him reform his criminal ways if the police beat him up?
If the people who are supposed to be enforcing the law MUST obey it. You can't say it's better for police to break the law than the criminals. If the police break the law they are criminals.

Black guys in the states know that they are targeted by the police, if the police aren't obeying the law why should they? It is just to disobey unjust authority. I would be much more likely to break the law if I knew they were out to get me anyway.
I shorter terms I just think criminals have far too many right, and need to be taught a tougher lesson in prisons, and if roughing them up a little at their arrest spot helps I say go for it!

Everyone has the same rights. In a lawful society when you commit a crime you are given a punishment deemed fit. If you think that treatment is apropriate then the law need to say so.

How does the addition of "A black person suspected to auto theft is guilty until proven innocent. Administer a gang beating upon arrest." sound to you? That would help things wouldn't it?
How does the addition of "A black person suspected to auto theft is guilty until proven innocent. Administer a gang beating upon arrest." sound to you? That would help things wouldn't it?

Would be worse if it weren't for the fact that white people are always assumed racist until proven innocent.

By the way... you just did that.