Expecting to be Perfect Around a Group of People

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
It's happened to all of us at one point or another. People expect you to be at your best, and maybe you are the best. If people don't really like you and you are pretty good at what you do, let's say you fumble on a forum site by posting something that's been long discussed. And all you wanted to do was bring up a totally different conversation, when most of the replies are replies you'd rather not see. Or, let's try this. If people don't like you and your life basically SUCKS, let's say you do something that others think is funny or stupid. Or maybe you're on the job and screw up only a few times on the job... then you're fired. Do people tend to have high expectations with other people? What about if you've pulled off something in which you stress something to people, but when you're out and about in life, you commit a crime that you stressed (in other words, what if you commited an act that you tried to preach against)? Around a bunch of people, do you think you're often expected to be perfect around others?

I know in my school days, I've had to suffer with depression and lonliness. And in grade school, you were around a bunch of people in which if you are good, others will try to bring you down. If you are bad, others will try to bring you down even further. When I did forums for one other website, I was doing good until some asshole kept getting on me and couldn't ignore him. Why? He was one of the Moderators. So I had no choice but to take it. I was p*ssed off like hell. And even sometimes on here, I don't think I'm perfect. I KNOW I'm not. All I do is what I do- make threads and replies. But sometimes being downplayed, I often feel I'm expected to be perfect. I tend to take things as if they are personal. So one mistake in one spot will set me up for trouble down the road. I remember when I used to make longer posts than what I'm doing now, all the talk about "40-page intros" and stuff. I often feel that sometimes, some people expect others to be perfect. Perfect in the sense that if you're not doing any trouble, you're not going into any trouble as long as that person is committed and caring.

Do you think some people expect others to be perfect in the senses above? Reply now.
Do people expect me to be perfect?

Well, I guess thats with everyone the same. Parents. They want you to be good at school, nice at home and behave. Personally its not that harsh in my family, my dad just thinks I have to get good grades and I try to do that. But I think in the back of their head they want me, and my brothers to be perfect. As soon as you make a mistake, lets say one bad grade in one class, and youre dad gets pissed because of the grade. ´Well, no one is perfect and everyone can make mistakes.

At work, they defenetly want you to be perfect. They want you to go out there and make you (the boss) happy, no matter how hard it is.

I gotta say, people want you to be perfect, but fact is, no one is perfect, and I think that was the point you were getting at.
People want you to be perfect - perfect as it applies to them. Your boss wants you to work hard and well and not cause trouble or goof off. One tries to conform to that view of "perfect" as well as possible, otherwise there are repercussions.

Parents trying to enforce their view of "perfect" on a child is a double edged sword. To an extent it is needed, in order to instil strong values in the child. But conversely, parents can suffocate their kids personalities by trying to force them into a way of thinking.

A loose example of that is my parents. They grew up when "money was tight". Now that I am working and earning my own money I feel like I can spend one whatever I want. Of course, that doesnt stop them from disapproving comments and discouraging remarks about spending on what they see as useless items.

One has to be themselves, and if that cuts the mustard as being perfect - whatever that means - then so be it.
i know that some poeple at my school try to be "perfect" around the "popular" people. it really annoys me.

i sure as all hell know that im not perfect, i have my faults just like everyone else (i can be loud, uncoordinated, make dumb decision and say stupid things)
People (most of them at any rate) don't expect others to be perfect, they just expect to be pleased. If at some point that means 'absolute perfection' is required however, odds are they aren't going to get it.

To be honest, I think the only times I attempt to be 'perfect' at something is when I'm getting paid to do the task at hand.