Explosive Devices found in New York City.

  • Thread starter Ken


I'm a bear!
United States
Fort Collins, CO
An explosion has occurred in the Chelsea district of New York City this evening injuring 29 people. No fatalies have been reported at this time. A second "pressure cooker" device has been found nearby. The Mayor of NYC has said that these Coupled with the pipe bombs found at a Marine event in neighbouring New Jersey today, it's rather amazing that no body has the act was intentional, but not terror related. Coupled with the pipe bomb explosion in neighbouring New Jersey, is amazing that there has been no deaths?

My question is how is this not considered an act of terrorism? Two explosive devices and a third in New Jersey seem pretty terrifying to me.

My question is how is this not considered an act of terrorism? Two explosive devices and a third in New Jersey seem pretty terrifying to me.

Exactly. Bombs go off 'but it's not terror related'. I even read on the Belgian news that they say the unexploded device probably isn't related to the one that did explode :lol:

I guess they are desperate to mark this as an individual incident by a lonesome loon, just like all the stabbings in the past months in Europe. If IS claims responsibility in the next days all of that goes down the garbage though.
I think these days 'non terror-related' means 'non Islamic terror-related but IS/Al-Qaeda/Boko Haram/Al-Shabab/The Taliban will probably claim responsibility in the next few days anyway'.
There's nothing funny in what you're saying man.

I guess you haven't been following the news:

Anyhow i feel the world is in shambles nowadays. There was a time politicians would lie and it would still be believable. How stupid does the mayor of NYC think people are to say it probably isn't terror related...
How stupid does the mayor of NYC think people are to say it probably isn't terror related...
The explosion happened in a bin, so with that in mind:
  • Samsung have been in the news of late because the Galaxy S7 series have been spontaneously bursting into flame.
  • A pressure cooker with wires coming out of it sounds suspicious, but it's an electrical appliance, so of course it's going to have wires.
  • People throw all sorts of things away, including things that they shouldn't.
So it's entirely possible that somebody threw a pressure cooker away. Some kind of fluid dropped into it, and then someone else threw an old phone away. The battery corroded, dripped into the pressure cooker, and everything reacted explosively.
The explosion happened in a bin, so with that in mind:
  • Samsung have been in the news of late because the Galaxy S7 series have been spontaneously bursting into flame.
  • A pressure cooker with wires coming out of it sounds suspicious, but it's an electrical appliance, so of course it's going to have wires.
  • People throw all sorts of things away, including things that they shouldn't.
So it's entirely possible that somebody threw a pressure cooker away. Some kind of fluid dropped into it, and then someone else threw an old phone away. The battery corroded, dripped into the pressure cooker, and everything reacted explosively.
The explosion happened in a bin, so with that in mind:
  • Samsung have been in the news of late because the Galaxy S7 series have been spontaneously bursting into flame.
  • A pressure cooker with wires coming out of it sounds suspicious, but it's an electrical appliance, so of course it's going to have wires.
  • People throw all sorts of things away, including things that they shouldn't.
So it's entirely possible that somebody threw a pressure cooker away. Some kind of fluid dropped into it, and then someone else threw an old phone away. The battery corroded, dripped into the pressure cooker, and everything reacted explosively.
I can't tell if that was brilliant sarcasm or an actual theory.
Some kind of fluid dropped into it, and then someone else threw an old phone away. The battery corroded, dripped into the pressure cooker, and everything reacted explosively.
Injuring 29? I hope you're kidding.
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Australian news saying that this apparently is related to the Australian Prime Minister being at New York to Honour the 9/11 victims.

I don't know if I should take this seriously :lol:.
Remember, guys, it's completely unreasonable to point a finger at ISIS, but very much reasonable to assume that 29 were injured by an exploding phone. By complete accident, no less. :rolleyes:
very much reasonable to assume that 29 were injured by an exploding phone
Clearly you have no idea how an explosion works. Shrapnel and flying debris are dangerous enough, but the real danger is in the concussive wave released by the explosion.

Also, the corrosive compounds released by a degrading battery are very volatile when combined with household chemicals.
I'm glad we could get the sum total of explosives experts and counter-terrorism knowledge together here in this one thread:

Remember, guys, it's completely unreasonable to point a finger at ISIS, but very much reasonable to assume that 29 were injured by an exploding phone. By complete accident, no less. :rolleyes:

I bet Hillary supporters will claim it was a false flag by 'the Donald' and Putin delivered the high pressure cookers :lol:

The explosion happened in a bin, so with that in mind:

Can we stop the thread from snowballing into stupid before anything is known?

I'm glad we could get the sum total of explosives experts and counter-terrorism knowledge together here in this one thread:

Thanks,this was getting real stupid,fast

Can we stop the thread from snowballing into stupid before anything is known?

Exactly. Bombs go off 'but it's not terror related'. I even read on the Belgian news that they say the unexploded device probably isn't related to the one that did explode :lol:

I really don't understand the ideology that it isn't "terror related" either. I really don't. Like you said, it's a bomb. A bomb like this has two purposes. Blow things up and incite terror. Plus, the two devices were found blocks away from one another. In a city the size of New York City, that seems more fishy.

I saw that. Sad news. Apparently the stabber person was asking people if they were Muslim or not.

I think these days 'non terror-related' means 'non Islamic terror-related but IS/Al-Qaeda/Boko Haram/Al-Shabab/The Taliban will probably claim responsibility in the next few days anyway'.

Which is a crock. I do remember a term that was coined, domestic terrorism. The Boston Marathon bombings, if I recall correctly, weren't associated with any group, but they were still considered an act of terrorism.

Anyhow i feel the world is in shambles nowadays. There was a time politicians would lie and it would still be believable. How stupid does the mayor of NYC think people are to say it probably isn't terror related...

It really sounds fishy to me to. This event used to, and probably still should, receive more media attention than they are. It seems to swept under the rug rather quickly. I'm not a acid conspiracy nut, but something just doesn't add up to me. A device explodes in arguably one of greatest cities and the politicians and media seem to want to go away like nothing happened.

Edit: Gov. Cuomo: It's terrorism, but not international terrorism.

Good, let's call an apple an apple. I guess my response to mister dog was a bit premature.
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It really sounds fishy to me to. This event used to, and probably still should, receive more media attention than they are. It seems to swept under the rug rather quickly. I'm not a acid conspiracy nut, but something just doesn't add up to me. A device explodes in arguably one of greatest cities and the politicians and media seem to want to go away like nothing happened.
My theory (and also the most obvious one), is that a terror attack on home soil would play into the hands of Trump like you can't imagine. So Clinton biased media and government figures are doing damage control.
How does President Election Circus has anything to do with the OP topic?
Probably the coverage. I can't speculate though since I'm not in America so can't say how much attention it's receiving.

Tbh I wouldn't be surprised at a muted/weird reaction. The thread on neogaf on the stabbings doesn't even have 2 pages and contains this gem:

"This happened in St. Cloud is unfortunate but less surprising. They've got a high Muslim/Somali immigrant population, and there's been significant racial tension between that community and the salty ole' crackers who live there already."

Sounds dangerously close to victim blaming.
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I really don't understand the ideology that it isn't "terror related" either.
One potential reason is someone going for a statement, such as maximum-kill-count.

Now, I'm not saying this is such an aim, but there used to be attention for this kind of thing: a loner who just wants to go out with the highest body-count attached to their name. Although it's a fine point, this sort of thing isn't considered to be about terror. Usually though the person doing that tends to kill themselves too.
...I just read about the two "incidents" now. I'm glad no one lost their lives in both acts of what I assume to be home grown terrorism.

Only a day or two ago, US was saying they killed a top ranking ISIS S.O.B in charge of propaganda, and now this. Retaliation? Or is it too early for that line of deduction?
Third explosive device found in Elizabeth, NJ, which is about 15 miles outside of New York City. Actually, it's the 4th device. Aside from the two found in Manhattan, one was also found in Seaside Heights, NJ and is believed to be connected. Authorities stopped a car in Brooklyn containing 5 individuals from Elizabeth that are suspected to be connected.

Update: BOLO on 28 year old Afghan born Ahmad Khan Rahami. He is being sought for connections to the 4 bombs. Rahami is an Elizabeth resident.
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They arrested a suspect after a shootout with the police. They're waiting on confirmation if it's Rahami.
Weird that IS hasn't claimed it yet. They did so with the mall stabber already.

My thoughts on the matter are this: This guy is a sympathizer. No more, no less. ISIS isn't claiming it, even if it wasn't theirs, because it's essentially a foiled attempt. Four bombs and only 28 injuries? Doesn't sound like it's on ISIS' radar. The Minnesota attack incited terror. The New York/Jersey attempt, as much as I count them as terror incidents, sparked more outrage it seems.