F1 at Laguna

I think I started this thread a while back, but I set about beating my record last night. 58.358 (I'll check the last two digis, but its something around the .35s). Can anyone show me how much more there is to come off? :D

I think a 57 is quite possible if you string together a near perfect lap, 56 for an absolutely perfect one (so Ill never be getting that then)
oh well i cant find that replay but ive known you long enough to trust you anyway. Curiosity, what car did you use to get that and what hp does it have (so I can compare it to the UK version)

I think the F090/s is the polyphony 001 (the faster of the two) but i dont know.
oh yeah forgot - great lap times.

By the way, what do i call u now (i cant call u ZC any more)

I cant be f-d to write zero all the time :D
The F094/S is the equivalent to the Polyphony 001. And while we're on the topic, the F688/S is the evuivalent to the Polyphony 002.
86/m has 973hp
87/s has 932hp
88/s has 829hp 002
90/s has 725hp
94/s(h) has 829hp 001