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- United Kingdom
F1 Caption Game rules
Captions and Images
Points are awarded to the captions that receive the most votes in the voting round. There are ten scoring positions:
1st - 25 points
2nd - 18 points
3rd - 15 points
4th - 12 points
5th - 10 points
6th - 8 points
7th - 6 points
8th - 4 points
9th - 2 points
10th - 1 point
In the event of a tie for any position, points are averaged and shared (rounding down where necessary), e.g. two people tied for 4th will both receive 11 pts ((12+10)/2); 3 people tied for 1st will receive 19 pts ((25+18+15)/3) etc.
In the event of tied scores in the final standings, the person with the most "overall wins" will be awarded the title. Shared wins will be counted second.
Previous Champions
2005 - Solid Lifters
2006 - Pupik & DQuaN
2007 - Touring Mars
2008 - Touring Mars
2009 - Touring Mars
2010 - Touring Mars
2011 - LewyOs
2012 - prisonermonkeys & Touring Mars
2013 - no contest
2014 - Touring Mars
2015 - GTP_Ingram
2016 - Touring Mars
2017 - GTP_Ingram
2018 - Jimlaad43
2019 - Touring Mars
2020 - Jimlaad43
2021 - XJ40
2022 - Liquid
2023 - Liquid
2024 - Liquid
Previous Results and Captions
Please see the F1 Caption Game Archive Thread...
Captions and Images
- All captions must be your own work. Captions that are deemed too similar to existing submitted captions may be disqualified.
- If you decide to change or submit a new caption, you must name your new caption as "FINAL ENTRY". This cannot be changed once denoted. If multiple captions are submitted without any being noted as final entry, your first submission will be put forward for voting.
- Captions must be in text format only. Weblinks can be included as part of a sentence, but captions must include some text and may not simply be a link to a picture.
- All captions must comply with the forum rules. Captions deemed to be inappropriate e.g. explicit sexual references, offensive comments etc. may be disqualified.
- All moderation staff can delete any posts for any reason. All entries are subject to approval by the moderation staff and all moderating decisions are final.
- The winners of each round of a season will be invited to a conversation where they can nominate pictures to be used for future rounds. All photos must be submitted of the current race before the moderator has posted the photo for the round. It is at the moderator's discretion to choose one of the submitted images or select another if they do not deem the nominated photos appropriate.
- Images submitted by Round Winners must be of reasonable size and quality and are subject to approval by the moderation team i.e. unsuitable images e.g. images depicting accidents resulting in injury or other inappropriate material will not be used.
- [ach round, captions will be gathered and posted in the voting thread (see below) and subjected to a public vote. Anyone is allowed to vote, but those who have entered a round must vote in that round or they will not score any points for however many votes they gain, and may not vote for their own caption. Captions voted for by their authors will be disqualified. Repeat offenders will be banned from the thread.
- You have three votes and you can either split your votes 2-1, or give three captions one vote each. You must use all three votes.
- Each caption will be assigned a letter code, and votes should be cast as follows:
A - 1
B - 1
C - 1
A - 2
B - 1
- You cannot edit your votes once they have been cast, so please post carefully. Edited voting posts will be discounted.
- Voting will be carried out in a separate voting thread here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/thre...-voting-caption-of-the-year-final-two.386445/ Please also subscribe/watch that thread if you want to play.
Points are awarded to the captions that receive the most votes in the voting round. There are ten scoring positions:
1st - 25 points
2nd - 18 points
3rd - 15 points
4th - 12 points
5th - 10 points
6th - 8 points
7th - 6 points
8th - 4 points
9th - 2 points
10th - 1 point
In the event of a tie for any position, points are averaged and shared (rounding down where necessary), e.g. two people tied for 4th will both receive 11 pts ((12+10)/2); 3 people tied for 1st will receive 19 pts ((25+18+15)/3) etc.
In the event of tied scores in the final standings, the person with the most "overall wins" will be awarded the title. Shared wins will be counted second.
Previous Champions
2005 - Solid Lifters
2006 - Pupik & DQuaN
2007 - Touring Mars
2008 - Touring Mars
2009 - Touring Mars
2010 - Touring Mars
2011 - LewyOs
2012 - prisonermonkeys & Touring Mars
2014 - Touring Mars
2015 - GTP_Ingram
2016 - Touring Mars
2017 - GTP_Ingram
2018 - Jimlaad43
2019 - Touring Mars
2020 - Jimlaad43
2021 - XJ40
2022 - Liquid
2023 - Liquid
2024 - Liquid
Previous Results and Captions
Please see the F1 Caption Game Archive Thread...
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