f686/m settings

  • Thread starter ic3^2_b4bi
my f686/m is running a bit slower than my f688/s, and this annoys me, could it be that ive just gotten used to the feel of the f688/s and need time to get accoustemed to the f686/m? or what? can i get some good settings for both of these cars, and maybe your opinion on which is better?
All I have to say is, as long as you are winning, your good to go, I got 686, it's a good machine, But I havnt drove the 688, so I dont know yet.
Personally, I enjoy the 687 more than the 686, seems more stable and geared better out of the 'shop' so to speak. While the 686 does have a lot of power, it's quite bulky, and it feels like it. It may be a psychological thing, but I know that I run better times with a 687 and even come close with an F/090 than with the 686. In fact I like the F/090 very much, keeps it interesting, especially in the Formula GT.