Failure to install Windows 7: Is Laptop Toast?

United States
Azle, TX
I am in the middle of fixing my grandfather's laptop. The issue comes when there is an error message that basically says that the install can't be completed. Three people (myself, my father and a man at a computer repair shop) had told him Sunday that the motherboard on that laptop is toast and to get a new one, but he basically didn't believe us (in fact, he chewed my ass out this afternoon before threatening me into seeking a fourth opinion for being lazy.)

I have tried a clean install of Windows 7, but failed halfway through the process. I've tried to repair the install that is already there, but there was found to be no issues with the install. I would try a stress test of the CPU/motherboard, but the thing wouldn't boot up properly.

My grandfather is known for installing things bundled with applications (i.e. Toolbars, browsers, and so on), so that may be what is causing all of the issues.
Boot off the CD and run a memory test.
Also if the install fails during the install off the HDD(after installing off the disc) you will have to start again.
What kind of laptop is it? Most brands now have onboard diagnostics that will test the HDD, DVD, Memory etc. Try running that.
Boot off the CD and run a memory test.
Also if the install fails during the install off the HDD(after installing off the disc) you will have to start again.


You could also try booting off a disc with diagnostic tools and try stress testing the CPU, and harddrive individually. See if either of those are throwing any errors. A bad hard drive would be easy to replace. CPU errors could be something as simple as overheating from a clogged heatsink that just needs to be cleaned out.
Boot it with a USB drive with a version of Linux on it, examine the hard drive that way. You'll need to prepare the USB on another machine, you'll need a .iso with a Linux installation and you'll need an application that prepares your pen drive for bootability. Then keep the USB, it's a handy tool for all kinds of things.

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