
United States
New York
Just putting it out there, looking for a Ford Falcon race car. I'm so close to having all standard cars but this one seems elusive. If it's 0/0/0 even better, I have a thread of cars to give away and I am definitely willing to trade anything I might have. Just let me know what your looking for.
You might wanna trade for a 2000 or level ticket as the Falcon is undtradable my friend..I think it's 21? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
You might wanna trade for a 2000 or level ticket as the Falcon is undtradable my friend..I think it's 21? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

Damn wasn't sure if it was, well I can borrow glitch if anyone will let me. I should check the untradeable forum when posting more often
Add Rayzah
I'll put one up on share for you.
Anything else you're after?