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So right now I am watching television shopping. Almost everyone gets to see them, with obvious actors paid to say how well the product works. I'm not talking about regular commercials either, I mean the ones that last at least 10 minutes long.
Anyway, the product being advertised right now is a so called "Sauna belt". It is a belt which can be attached to your legs, your butt, your stomach, your chest and anywhere else. It helps to remove the toxins in the fat underneath your skin and you'll sweat them out, with maximum results in a minimum amount of time. You will start losing pounds in no time, the woman on tv right now lost 2 inches in an hour. Hell, the models on tv even got a six pack from it, rock hard abs. It sounds too good to be true, getting an incredible body without even having to exercise.
Well, guess what.... it sounds too good to be true, because IT IS. How can it even be allowed by the law that companies like this are trying to mislead consumers with trash like this?? The product I just mentioned is just one out of dozens of completely useless, overpriced items which don't do what they are marketed with. You don't lose fat in a sauna, so why would you lose fat with a sauna belt sitting on your ass behind the computer eating doritos?? I seriously wonder why the governments anywhere in the world haven't banned this type of marketing yet, because scientific proof can be found that it doesn't work. I don't see the difference between a con artist and the people running these type of companies.
Anyway, the product being advertised right now is a so called "Sauna belt". It is a belt which can be attached to your legs, your butt, your stomach, your chest and anywhere else. It helps to remove the toxins in the fat underneath your skin and you'll sweat them out, with maximum results in a minimum amount of time. You will start losing pounds in no time, the woman on tv right now lost 2 inches in an hour. Hell, the models on tv even got a six pack from it, rock hard abs. It sounds too good to be true, getting an incredible body without even having to exercise.
Well, guess what.... it sounds too good to be true, because IT IS. How can it even be allowed by the law that companies like this are trying to mislead consumers with trash like this?? The product I just mentioned is just one out of dozens of completely useless, overpriced items which don't do what they are marketed with. You don't lose fat in a sauna, so why would you lose fat with a sauna belt sitting on your ass behind the computer eating doritos?? I seriously wonder why the governments anywhere in the world haven't banned this type of marketing yet, because scientific proof can be found that it doesn't work. I don't see the difference between a con artist and the people running these type of companies.