Famine's Review - The Quantum of Solace

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
Okay, let's establish one thing at the outset. I like Bond films. If it so pleaseth the jury, I liked the Bourne films too (#3 more than the others, but that's another story). I must have seen them all at least twice - even Never Say Never Again, which was so bad that it caused an outbreak of West Nile Virus.

And let's establish a second thing while we're at it. Craig is Bond. I know he's only done two (so far), but he's set the new benchmark Bond (though they all have their charms - the closest Bond to Craig's is Dalton's, but he had other... flaws). Craig does Bond as the cold, nasty, single-minded, soul-less bastard he is - and he's aware that he's protecting a society he could never be a part of.

So. Quantum of Solace.

Excluding the aforementioned Never Say Never Again - which is never regarded as a true canon Bond film - this is the worst Bond film ever.

Oh yes, you read that right. Daniel Craig is the best James Bond, but QoS is the worst.

"But Famine... What the hell are you talking about, you crouton?"

Well, it's like this.

The script is awful - it's telegraphed in places (no spoilers, but when they namecheck a random guy standing about, it's clear he's about to do something to develop the plot), it's confusing in others (I watched the whole thing, without interruption and still didn't catch any mention of "The Tierra Project" which suddenly popped out of Bond's mouth) and it's massively stereotyped (loud, brash American operative will get into bed with murdering evil squiffy-eyed tosspot for some oil).

The cinematography itself is absolutely shocking. Apparently it was all filmed on hand-held cameras by the Moscow State One-Legged Pogoing Epileptic Earthquake Circus. And stitched together by a guy who really, really likes long shots and close-ups and can't decide which he prefers and has ADHD. I noted also, with chagrin, that, during the rooftop chase Bond had apparently forgotten his parkour skills, used so extensively during Casino Royale

And I know there's product placement. And I know there was a big "green" push for the film. But I don't need to see close-ups of Ford Motor Company brand badges and "HYDROGEN power" every 2nd scene. I can tell, without the hint, that there's a Land Rover there, and a Ford Bronco (in Bolivia? *shrug*).

And the plot. Ohh, the plot. Gold? Diamonds? Diamonds to make a big laser? A big space laser? A big space station and some people in spacesuits with lasers? Nuclear weapons? Hell, terrorists even? Nope - it's the aforementioned squiffy-eyed tosspot who gets some land on the pretence that it's worthless, pretends that it's worth something and actually... mumble mumble... brrrrrrbbdrr... the thing... nnnmmmhmm... some dams.

There were likeable things. The Goldfinger homage. M at home. Some explosions. Hell, the actors in the most part - and Craig especially. But the whole thing felt cheap.

Craig's a great Bond. He just needs to be in a great film. As an afterthought, how about remaking OHMSS - which was a superb Bond film with utterly dreadful acting (and I'm pointing at you, Savalas and Rigg - with the current cast? And some camera stabilisers, for pity's sakes.

Summary in 10 words or less: Best Bond let down by everything else.

Rating? Blunt Force Trauma.
I may not have chosen the same words or the same order, but as a whole, I agree. I've only seen Quantum once in the theater and I honestly have no desire to relive the experience at home.
I was planning on picking this up on blu-ray, however now all I can think is 'do not want'. Cheers for that.
I wrote a less detailed review of this film on Tuesday (here) and I can only semi-agree with this review... Bond films have a certain style and character, and QoS definitely lacks alot of it - but it's not necessarily a bad thing (i.e. they are definitely moving into "serious action movie" territory, and away from Bond stereotypes such as the corny jokes and the ridiculous gadgetry).

I wouldn't have said this was the worst Bond film ever, though, not by a long way - Die Another Day, anyone? That said, it's not a patch on some of the older ones, and a DC remake of a great Bond film would be fascinating (although it could be disasterous too...). But as a non-Bond film i.e. just as an action movie, it's very watchable. As a thriller, it's passable but lacks depth. As a piece of cinematic art, it's... a Bond film.

Interesting review, though, even if I disagree with the conclusion...
Wash your mouth out! Die Another Day was Brosnan at his camp best. Now it had the worst theme tune of any Bond ever, admittedly, but...


No, wait. Quantum of Solace has the worst theme tune of any Bond ever. It sounded like X-Factor/Pop Idol crossed with a kid who just got his first synthesiser.

Edit: Milford Cubicle just asked me to play it so she could hear it. 20 seconds in she said "That's quite enough of that.". The "duet" brought a command to turn it off. I told her it was Alicia Keys and she responded with an expletive exclamation.
Going to see QoS was the first date with my girlfriend, so it wasn't all bad...

Excluding the aforementioned Never Say Never Again - which is never regarded as a true canon Bond film - this is the worst Bond film ever.
Even worse than "Christopher Walken Visits San Francisco?"
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Dude... He had sex with Grace Jones. That's the most heroic thing Bond has ever done and more than deserving of a good review.
I always thought Walken was a great Bond villain. His maniacal grin was more than suited to his psychopathic character, Zorin. My problem with the new Bond's is that the baddies are so uninteresting. I don't remember the name of the main baddy in the last movie, I don't remember what he looks like and I don't even remember what his motivation was for doing what ever he did - a plain non-entity. I love Craig in these new Bond film's, and agree with Famine that he is probably the best Bond in the series, although all had their strong (and weak) points. My problem with the latest films is that they are such joyless affairs. I want to see a bad guy that I really despise, a real powermonger with delusions of grandeur - a real weirdo (not someone with diamonds in his face) but a character of the ilk of Blomfeld, Goldfinger, Zorin or Scaramanga. I want to see more gadgets (not telephones in shoes) but something clever, memorable and awesome - and not something with a freaking Sony Ericsson logo on it. I just want to see some rollicking good Bond action with Craig at the helm.
Everything about that review is spot on, Famine. The shaky camera, blatant product placement and extremely annoying 'green' theme just made me want to turn it off. I wish I'd have spent my money on The Dark Knight on Blu Ray instead now....

Also, what was the deal with the 1 minute car chase in shakey cam mode followed by bugger all in the way of exciting cars for the rest of the film? Why did an Aston get replaced as the 'star car' with a Ford Ka?! YOU BLOODY IDIOTS! :mad:
The only thing you have to know for an action movie is that there are bad guys and the hero has to stop/shoot/kill them.

That said when I watched Quantum of Solace I got the feeling that it was a chopped-up Bourne-esque version of Casino Royale.
bit late, but.. i agree with famine i didnt even like casino royale quite much. i miss Bonds one liners and his sarcasm and wit. And where is Q and his techno gadjets... I really dont like these new bonds as much as the old ones. personally i think Brosnan is a really good bond, craig has the potential to be better but his yet to have a decent movie to prove it.
Also, what was the deal with the 1 minute car chase in shakey cam mode followed by bugger all in the way of exciting cars for the rest of the film? Why did an Aston get replaced as the 'star car' with a Ford Ka?! YOU BLOODY IDIOTS! :mad:

Watch The Man With The Golden Gun - the "star car" is an AMC Gremlin.