Fanatec CSR Wheel settings for FM7

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United States
If anyone is willing to share their Fanatec CSR wheel and brake settings that you have found works good please share.



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I'm one of the "crazies" that has his wheel set to off for 900°. It works well for me. I will update to show my settings once I am at home, and in front of the wheel. But I think the only changes I made were, FFB 80, DRI 1.


I need to stop posting while I am away from the things I am discussing.
Here's how my CSR is set for Forza.
Note I have the basic CSR, and the basic CSR pedals (The ones with the potentiometers), so I can't really tell you much about the brake pedal other than the physical adjustment I have made.

Fanatec CSR Driver 261
Firmware 756

Fanatec/Controller software
Angle/Wheel sensitivity - 900º
Dampening Strength - 100%

Wheel Base settings.
SEN - Off
FF - 90
SHO - 100
DRI - 2
ABS - 100
LIN - 000
DEA - 000
SPR - 0
DPR - 0 (Switching from 0 to off. I want to let the sim handle the Damper settings.)
ACL - Off

Physical Brake pedal adjustments.
Brake Pedal is 3-7/8" (OC) to the Left of the Throttle pedal. Measurement taken at pedal arms.
Brake pedal throw is set to the 3rd hole up from the bottom.
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SPR - 0
DPR - 0 (Switching from 0 to off. I want to let the sim handle the Damper settings.)

On my wheel (csr elite) these settings override the in game setting, so I run them at 100 in game and then just adjust on the wheel. I normally have Damper off and spring very low or off.
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I'll have to try that. By not having the elite, or a CSW, I hope it improves the feel. I use to think any CSW/CSR Elite setting turned to mud, due to the CSR not being as capable as those bases.


Blue, I gave your suggestion a shot and I like it. The wheel is smoother and much quicker. I had to turn Drift off because it was counter steering unnaturally fast. I still have to get use to it, but so far, so good. Even the creaking and saw like notchiness has been greatly reduced. Thanks!
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I'll have to try that. By not having the elite, or a CSW, I hope it improves the feel. I use to think any CSW/CSR Elite setting turned to mud, due to the CSR not being as capable as those bases.

Having previously owned a GT2 wheel (basically the same as the csr wheel, just the aesthetics are different) I would recommend turning the Damper off completely as the wheel itself has a fair bit of internal resistance which acts like a natural Damper anyway, if you use the FFB motor to add Damper strength (this is what the Damper setting do) you will be sacrificing the wheels ability to output certain forces, the motor only has so much it can give