Fanatec FFB Issue's

  • Thread starter cicohipe
I have looked all over the internet for an answer to this and from what I can tell no one seems to be having this issue.

So I thought I would ask on here to see if any users of Fanatec porsche wheels (turbo or gt3rs) have experienced this issue.

My problem is when I have the FFB set to 100, I get a squeaky noise coming from the wheel. When I set it down to 66 (my PWC only has 100, 66, 33) the squeak goes away.

Any idea's??
It's the gerbil inside. Needs to warm up, or you could upgrade the firmware to something better, like a rat.
I have had the PWTS for 1 year and have not used it much until this past week. I have just begun to hear this noise as well. I am not sure where it is coming from but on my wheel it is barely noticeable until I am on a straight. Very minute inputs to my wheel right or left produce a small but distinctive squeak. I am running V681 firmware that I updated 3 days ago, which prior to the update did not produce the squeak.

I will post this on the Fanatec site and get back with anything I find useful.