Fanatec wheel settings for F1 2011F1 2010-2016 

Right now I'm using

Sen 180
Ff 100
Sho 100
Dri - off
Abs- 85 but I don't use assists
Lin - 10
Dea - 0
Spr and dpr 0

Using a GT2.

Would like to see others settings as well.
I'm also using the gt2

My settings:
Sen - 180
Ff - 60 (don't set this too high, you don't want to burn up the motor)
Sho - 0 (is turned off anyway when you set an abs value)
Dri - off
Abs- 75 (also am not using assists)
Lin - 0
Dea - 0
Spr - 1
Dpr - 1
My GT2 settings so far...
Sen - 250
Ff - 100 (doesn't seem too high)
Sho - 100 (is turned off anyway when you set an abs value)
Dri - off
Abs- 82 (also am not using assists)
Lin - 0
Dea - 0
Spr - 0
Dpr - 0

In Game Advanced Wheel Settings
Steering Deadzone - 0
Steering Saturation - 30%
Steering Linearity - 10%
Throttle Deadzone - 0
Throttle Saturation - 0%
Brake Deadzone - 0%
Brake Daturation - 0%

In Game Force Feedback - On
Environmental Effects - 50%
Feedback Strength - 100%
Wheel Weight - 50%
i wish someone would make a plugin so csp brakes (or wheel) can vibrate when u lock up tires :P there is one for rfactor and one that works really well for iRacing. but not for 2011.
i wish someone would make a plugin so csp brakes (or wheel) can vibrate when u lock up tires :P there is one for rfactor and one that works really well for iRacing. but not for 2011.
I guess you use the PC version of the game, right?
Mine so far. Not sure why but I was getting tons of weighted wheel feeling. Had to lighten it up.

GT2 on Xbox

Sen - 240
Ff - 50
Sho - 50
Dri - 5
Abs- 100
Lin - 0
Dea - 0
Spr - 0
Dpr - -3

In Game Advanced Wheel Settings
Steering Deadzone - 0
Steering Saturation - 30%
Steering Linearity - 5%
Throttle Deadzone - 0
Throttle Saturation - 0%
Brake Deadzone - 0%
Brake Daturation - 0%

In Game Force Feedback - On
Environmental Effects - 50%
Feedback Strength - 50%
Wheel Weight - 10%
Mine so far. Not sure why but I was getting tons of weighted wheel feeling. Had to lighten it up.

GT2 on Xbox

Sen - 240
Ff - 50
Sho - 50
Dri - 5
Abs- 100
Lin - 0
Dea - 0
Spr - 0
Dpr - -3

In Game Advanced Wheel Settings
Steering Deadzone - 0
Steering Saturation - 30%
Steering Linearity - 5%
Throttle Deadzone - 0
Throttle Saturation - 0%
Brake Deadzone - 0%
Brake Daturation - 0%

In Game Force Feedback - On
Environmental Effects - 50%
Feedback Strength - 50%
Wheel Weight - 10%

My settings from above were for the PS3. When I tried them on the XBox I had the same problem, really heavy wheel. Haven't had a chance to fine tune it, but I did reduce the wheel weight a bit. Will try yours next week.

I did notice when I first went into settings it listed the wheel as the MS Driving Wheel, changed it to custom.
I allways turn wheel weight off in CM games. I find it just over rides my own settings. GT2
My settings from above were for the PS3. When I tried them on the XBox I had the same problem, really heavy wheel. Haven't had a chance to fine tune it, but I did reduce the wheel weight a bit. Will try yours next week.

I did notice when I first went into settings it listed the wheel as the MS Driving Wheel, changed it to custom.

Hmmm...I didnt notice the MS Wheel listed menu. Maybe I need to change that.
Rented the xbox 360 version.

Having problems with my Turbo S. Force feedback seems completely borked. Out on track the wheel is making nasty grinding noises around centre and then as you turn into a corner, just when you expect the wheel to be getting heavier it gets lighter instead. In F1 2010 I'd get the same grinding around centre if moving the wheel in the menus but as soon as you selected go to track it was like the force feedback kicked in and everything was fine, the wheel would turn by itself as your car left the garage. This doesn't happen in 2011.

Popped 2010 back in to check the wheel was fine, it was. Went back to 2011, problem still present. Tried two different cars and modes to check it wasn't a bug. Anyone else suffering with this?

In game settings I have the advanced wheel settings at 0% across the board. Force feed back strength 100%, wheel weight 50%, environmental down at 30% Pretty much the same as last years game from memory.

On wheel settings I have Sen at 270, FF at 50, Sho off, ABS at 99 (using CSP), Spr and Dpr set at 0. This is the same profile I use without problem on F1 2010. Latest firmware installed.
Try Damper -3 or spring -2 or both. Trust me it works.

I'm not near my console to check settings.
I had the same problem you had. Feels like sand in the wheel lol.
Thanks, just seen that suggested over on insidesimracing 👍

Edit: Just booted it up and tested in the menus, seems to have done the trick. Dpr -2 it's still there but at -3 it completely disapears.
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I set dampers and springs to -3, which helped with that incessant rattling for the most part. However, it introduced a new effect of vibrations against the force of turning the wheel... when the car is stationary and in neutral on the track. There I am sitting on the back straight at Monza with the car idling in neutral and I'm turning the wheel left-right-left to test if I've taken the video lag out of the loop (addressing a 1/2 second delay between my turning the wheel and when the tv displays the movement) and as I get 30-40% through the turn extent I get this thumping back-pressure by the FF wheel against my turning. What the heck is that about? This is even with FFB turned all the way to 0 on the GT2 wheel.

Sheesh, I never had problems like this back in the day on the PC with the Thrustmaster or ACT Labs wheels... .things just worked. (Granted, the Thrustmaster wasn't a FFB wheel, but driving Grand Prix 2 was a whole lot less annoying)
My GT2 settings so far...

In Game Advanced Wheel Settings
Steering Deadzone - 0
Steering Saturation - 30%
Steering Linearity - 10%
Throttle Deadzone - 0
Throttle Saturation - 0%
Brake Deadzone - 0%
Brake Daturation - 0%

In Game Force Feedback - On
Environmental Effects - 50%
Feedback Strength - 100%
Wheel Weight - 50%

Just a note for F1 2012 PS3 Demo, these in game settings seem to work ok.
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If anyone has the PS3 version here are my Fanatec CSW wheel settings using the Formula 1 rim.

SEN: 330
FF: 70
SHO: off
ABS: 40
LIN: off
DEA: off
FOR: 140
SPR: 80
DPR: 100

Just downloaded the 2012 demo. We'll see if Codemasters added any native support to the wheel instead of having to put it in "Logitech/PS3" mode :-)