Fast Cars + Sport Hards = Undrivable

I like to run the Seasonal events in cars with roughly the same or less PP and the same tires as the cars in the race (Usually, Sport/Hards). Well, sometimes it just does not work.

For example, in the Stars and Stripes races (after Daytona), trying to drive a C5 gen Z06 Corvette with 630 hp and Sport Hard tires around Laguna Seca is a chore. Not just wheelspin; I can handle that.

The biggest problem is it feels like the car is made of jelly and it can't change direction to change its life. This holds true with many cars. I've tried softening the suspension (to fairly crazy extremes), and nothing helps.

Trying to do a high speed S-Curve (R246 for example) requires a near stop midway through so you can change direction for the next part of the "S". Once the car is turning, it will turn alright, but getting any kind of response from the front end is impossible.

It feels like I might as well be driving telepathically; the steering wheel is just for show. Once I bump the tires up to Sport Softs, it's like I took 1000lbs of weight off the car and it finally responds.

So what are the basics for tuning a car on, well, crappy tires? Is there something I'm missing?
Maybe you stop slapping lots of power adders to the car and try with less first , since the car with the most power in this event has 605 bhp IIRC. ;)

To get a car working well on crappy tyres, I'd recommend slapping on a set of even crappier tyres and then reading some of the useful guides contained within these pages. Want your car to run on SH tyres?? Slap on some CS first and get it to drive as well as you can. You'll then experience exactly the same sensation you did when switching up to SS tyres from SH.

All of that to one side for the moment, it would help if you were to post the details of the build you currently have on your car...

To get a car working well on crappy tyres, I'd recommend slapping on a set of even crappier tyres and then reading some of the useful guides contained within these pages. Want your car to run on SH tyres?? Slap on some CS first and get it to drive as well as you can. You'll then experience exactly the same sensation you did when switching up to SS tyres from SH.


I 2nd this, try it.
Ride Height: 40 / 50
Spring Rate: 6.5 / 6.5
Extension: 3 / 2
Compression: 3 / 4
Anti-roll: 2 / 2
Camber: -0.8 / -0.8
Toe: 0.06 / 0.06

Differential: 14, 25, 14.
Aerodynamics: 0 / 18
Brakes: 7 / 6
Ballast: --
Engine: 100%
Transmission: --

704 horsepower
1508 kg
598 PP

I tweaked a setup of mine, that was originally good with sports soft tyres, to run good with sports hard tyres. This was from a C6 corvette ZR1, it should fit okay on a C5 corvette. Basically it goes better with softer everything, oh and I pulled some HP mods and ballast off the original tune.
Maybe you stop slapping lots of power adders to the car and try with less first , since the car with the most power in this event has 605 bhp IIRC. ;)


I already pulled the Supercharger off of it, what else do you want? Haha.

Thanks for the advice guys, I don't think I went soft enough on the setup. I was at 8.5/8.0 on the springs when I gave up and bolted on the softs.
The only undriveable car I've seen so far was a stock 2CV, because I got stuck in an uphill section with it and couldn't finish the race.
To get a car working well on crappy tyres, I'd recommend slapping on a set of even crappier tyres and then reading some of the useful guides contained within these pages. Want your car to run on SH tyres?? Slap on some CS first and get it to drive as well as you can. You'll then experience exactly the same sensation you did when switching up to SS tyres from SH.

All of that to one side for the moment, it would help if you were to post the details of the build you currently have on your car...


I 2nd this, try it.

The car won't turn because you're steering to sharply and causing excess slide entering the turn. Also speeds will always be lower in corners with harder tires, just a fact of life.