Fastest Way to Make Money

  • Thread starter Exorcet
OE Exorcet
I just got Forza 4. I don't care about single player or progression, I bought the game to go online and just race and do a little bit of tuning/livery as well. I'd like to know what's the fastest way to make money and get stuff. A couple of quick forum searches found nothing, and there's no FAQ sticky like on GTP.

When the game first came out, I heard some stuff about rivals mode, but I don't know what that is (actually I haven't even put the game in 360 yet).

Any help is appreciated.


It seems that for now I need to go without internet/LIVE as well.
Well rivals mode would be the easiest way. But you need cars to enter it. I suggest atleast leveling up your career to level 50(are as far as you feel necessary) as you get a choice of 1 of 5(give or take) cars per level up to 50.

Rivals mode is just pretty much a time attack mode or hotlapping mode. You select a rival, or have the computer select one for you. If you do the later it will always be the rival directly above you on the leaderboard. What you do is race the persons ghost, then if you beat it you get the bounty. I suggest that from your standing lap you just go all out so that way you get placed up to around the are of 25-30,000 credit bountys, and from there just sand bag. The higher you get on the leaderboards, the higher the bountys get. I dont know what the max bounty is but I have some of mine at 250,000 credits If I beat the next people.
Fastest way to make money is this:

1 - Do rivals or create an online race against the AI at the benchmark test track. 50 laps, R1, expert settings. 100k Cr and 50k XP every 15-18 minutes. I reccomend saving the race setup for a quick boot.

2 - With this money, youll be able to buy multiple boutique and/or race cars like the F1, Zonda C, and others with some auction skills, and resell them on the auction house with 50-100% markup, sometimes a lot more if youre lucky or do some designs.

I lost all my data 2 weeks ago. Right now, after doing this, i can safely say that money is no longer a problem.

And always keep a few cars on the auction house in case you want to buy the cars you desire even if you dont need them right now.

PS - Sorry for any language mistakes.

Edit: I just saw that you wont be able to go online. Well, i really cant think of any way if thats the case, just grinding like crazy.
Thanks for the advice, I guess I'll have to wait until I can get online. Thinking about that though, something else dawned on me. The offline account I'm using to play now has no XBL account linked to it. Can I transfer my progress from this account to my already existing XBL account?
This issue isn't connecting to Live (I got 3 months or something free with the system), but to the internet. I have to accept some agreement thing to get on. Without a browser, I can't accept that. The 360 doesn't have a browser right? Someone I knew had an older one for a while and I don't remember it having one.
This issue isn't connecting to Live (I got 3 months or something free with the system), but to the internet. I have to accept some agreement thing to get on. Without a browser, I can't accept that. The 360 doesn't have a browser right? Someone I knew had an older one for a while and I don't remember it having one.

Actually with the most recent update done to the 360 it also added internet explorer. I would suggest checking out the app store and see if you acn get it to work.
Actually with the most recent update done to the 360 it also added internet explorer. I would suggest checking out the app store and see if you acn get it to work.

I can't without signing in, or at least getting the 360 to connect to the internet, which requires me accepting a Terms of Use, which is the whole problem.

I just tried making a network bridge, but that did not work. I think I might be stuck until I can move to my new place instead of being locked in a hotel.

Now I'm just worried about wasted progress. If I make a new XBL account for the profile I have now, can I trade send cars to my old XBL account? Are there any restrictions on that like GT5's one car per day, or will I just be able to transfer everything over? Can I transfer credits or no?
There is a process, but it requires both accounts to have gold :/ If you can ever figure out how to get your internet working then I can give you a two day trial for your other account and that way you can just send all the cars from one account, to the other. You can not transfer credits. You can however, put up an auction for a car, to the exact amount of credits that the other account has, then switch over to it and buy the car you just put up. So that way you can get all the credits off the one account.

I would suggest asking a dev over at the main forzamotorsport forums just in case though, I dont know how ban happy they are and if that would trigger something.
OK thanks, if I get things working here I'll gladly accept the free Gold. Feel free to use it though, MS has given out lots of free or $1 30 day memberships, so I'll probably get one of those for my secondary. And my primary has 3 months free whenever I get around to activating that.
No worries, my 1 year doesnt expire until february lol. So I have no use for it as of now. Let me know, I'll keep it on the side just incase.