Fasting For Josh

  • Thread starter Pako


Staff Emeritus
United States
NW Montana
GTP Pako
I would like to propose that we all take some time each day to NOT play our GT3.  Take this time to remember what life was like without it, take this time to reflect what Josh must be going through, take this time to realize how lucky and honored each and everyone of us should be to have the opertunity AND the means to play GT3.

Let it be 2 minutes, 2 hours, or 2 days.  Lets all show Josh that we really do feel for his loss in these Dark, Dark times.

Uh, thanks... :D

For most of you, it'll probably be for the 2 minutes you take off from GT3 to go to the bathroom, but it's all good... :smilewinkgrin:

Ending fasting...  :lol:

That was a whole 3 minutes, Josh!  :)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah a.......oh goodness.......fasting......that's good.. ha.......woo.

Granted I'm at work, but I'm still fasting for ya buddy.
3 minutes..., for me?!?!?!?! :embarrassed: :D

lol, hey Jordan, have you completed 4% of GT3 yet? I read in a different post you made the other day, that you had only completed 3.2% of it...

(Edited by Josh at 11:21 am on Aug. 1, 2001)
I have been fasting for Josh for awhile actually, hell even before this post was posted I haven't eaten, I didnt really think of it as fasting but yeah.  I just haven't eaten, but that will change soon.
See Josh - look at all the people that care about you.  At least six of us here know what you must be going through and support your tragedy. :)
If someone stole my PS2 for me, I'd hop in my car and follow their @$$es to where they were going, take my PS2 and drive off quickly...I couldn't live without it for that long, especially since I am very involved in GT3.
Well, I actually experienced a similar delimma at the release of the vacation started the same day!!!  :reallymad:  I had to wait more than 10 days before I could get home to my PS2.

And Josh, guess where I went?  California!  :lol:
I will fast for 2 seconds but that is about it.  Sorry but I have a problem cause the controller is stuck to my hands.  So I have to play.  I have to type on the computer with my feet.
Chris, you can't even drive.  

(Edited by 93SHO at 6:56 pm on Aug. 1, 2001)
Josh, it's Day #3.  How ya holding up?  I really tried holding back to not play GT3 last night but I am weaker than I thought.  By the time I realized what I was doing, I had 11 hours logged in the game.  This game is just too incredable, as you know.  

If it helps, I managed to get pissed and throw the controller a couple of time while trying to get my S license.  See, all those frustrations are gone for you now.  You can actually have a life outside of GT3.  Maybe even take your S2000 out for a spin or better yet, a lap.
I haven't really been thinking much of GT3, well I have, but not as much lately...

As far as taking my car around a lap..., I've been trying to find a track I could take it to to try auto-x-ing. I'll probably suck extremely bad, but it would be fun to try it a couple of times....

Have you had it out and really opened it up? (or are you still brakeing it in)
We bought the car from a guy who had put like 6k miles on it. He drove it pretty hard too.

The previous owner did all of the breaking in for me.

I'm not sure what you would consider opening up, but usually on Saturday nights I go with a small group of people to the local hangout, and do a lil' racin'. I usually lose, but it's still fun.
Right on.  Yeah, that's what I was talking about, taking it out to hear the red line screaming at the command of your foot on the throttle.


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