Fatal Crash in Castro Valley result of street racing

Amen to what you said. However morbid, cruel and nasty this comment I'm about to make might seem, it's true.

At least it was the street racer and not an innocent civillian. If he was street racing, he deserved it, the passenger didn't though. Wait, he was a teenager driving a Corvette? Well there's your problem right there. Teenagers shouldn't be allowed cars over 300bhp, period. It's people like this that are making the legal driving age go up. And while I do feel sorry for the families of both parties involved, he had it coming.
Amen to what you said. However morbid, cruel and nasty this comment I'm about to make might seem, it's true.

At least it was the street racer and not an innocent civillian. If he was street racing, he deserved it, the passenger didn't though. Wait, he was a teenager driving a Corvette? Well there's your problem right there. Teenagers shouldn't be allowed cars over 300bhp, period. It's people like this that are making the legal driving age go up. And while I do feel sorry for the families of both parties involved, he had it coming.

I agree with you that kids shouldn't own cars with that amount of power. I drive a dodge neon with 115hp. It drives insurance for males up the wall too. :grumpy: It sucks because since I started driving in February I have been driving clean I think I should be reimbursed for that every year. Oh well.

Solid Fro: That's what I wondered too, wondered if it was his or daddy's 'vette.
these rich parents buying their kids fast cars, they're too stupid to realise that someone who has not driven before isn't going to be able to hand 500bhp on two wheels. A waste of two lives, partly down to the owner's parents and secondly down to the decision to race in the first place.
I'd like to see someone bring in a horsepower limit to level of driving experience. Mind you, you can kill yourself in anything. I still reckon it would save lives, though.
I could only care about this because of how high my insurance is because of retards like this. Im glad they did what they did, they don't deserve to be alive if they dont respect and look after anyone elses lives. To the HP limit, they shouldnt put one. There are TONS of dumb kids like theese but there are always some that will take it to a track and know that they shouldnt be doing this stuff in public. I may not be one of them but Just look at some kids in Grand am, and nascar who are barely 18 and kick everyone around, they should not have to pay for others.