Favourite thing about the new physics?

  • Thread starter wheelhp
So i was racing round eiger in my drag spec evo on slicks and it was oversteering like mad after the update. Im driving on a wheel with all aids off. I turned the roll bars off effectively and couldnt believe the difference. It was only on 4/4 before but Suddenly the car no longer oversteers like mad when set to 1 each. So seems turning the rollbars to one might help with snap oversteer. Surprisingly. I just thought such a normal swaybar value wouldnt be bad for handling but it was.. But do think stiffness of the rollbars are a bit exaggerated now. But i love how turning them "off" allows me to drive the car with a surprising amount of aggression and not spin out. Working as intended
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Yeah could definetly be the case. If you hadnt have guessed that id have thought the new tire model was just vastly more detailed but new eiger is great. Enjoying it as much as the gt6 version
The Ford Mk IV Race Car is on rails since the update. Coupled with the 4-speed gearbox, it is smooooooth as silk to drive
There are a few things that I do like about the "new physics" but I can honestly say the one thing that impressed me the most was that I do not have to use TC as much as I had before, handling and acceleration out of turns do need more finesse on my part but I am re-learning this as I write this.
The P1, FXXK and Zonda r handle better with this new physics update.

Also the P1 top speed seems to be higher now.

Before once the hybrid system ran out and with DRS you would be lucky to reach 215 mph.

But now it easily gets to 220+ mph.

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I think Its amazing.

Not one of my cars is having trouble taking turns... You need to think about the wheel arches more now.

But my favorite thing is how alive they feel... How the tires are gripping and holding onto the track, before they were floatier on some situations.
The fact that they're different, introducing something new to learn.

But also, they are more nuanced and dynamic. Cars feel less on rails and you need to be on point with braking and turning instead of just braking 100% and throwing the car around. Slides are easier to catch which is also a nice change.

I'm liking it a lot.
I like the aspect of learning how to drive again. The few cars I have driven since 1.49 came out were nothing but an understeer festival.

I found myself holding the brakes longer into the corners and also using throttle more in order to induce the cars to turn. Trailbraking maybe?!

As I said, driving and discovering how to find pace with this new physics has been a good time so far.