Heh, I can't say I like the music all that much, but he's an incredibly cool guy. One of the DJs at our local college radio station used to play his stuff because A) nobody told him not to, it was college radio; and B) his parents had been big fans when he was a kid.
Anyway, he wrote to Tom Jones and asked if they could do a short phone interview during the yearly fundraiser. Instead of that, Tom Jones drove up from Atlantic City to do the interview live in the studio. He hung out with the kid for like 3 hours, helped him spin records, answered call-ins, and was in general just a really amazingly cool guy for a star of that magnitude (even an ex-star, though he's still just as popular with his original audience as he ever was). He even sang some acapella stuff live just for fun.
I was just really impressed that he would go so far out of his way to support some podunk 1000-watt amateur radio station. Undoubtedly he had better things to do with his time.