Features/Filters that ought to be in GT4 online side.

  • Thread starter Soman
These are the things that I think will improve the game on the net. Of course the reduction of latency is important but which is more of a technical tweak then a feature.

For those wishing to join some games or host should have filters so the user can get his type of race he likes. The set of filters I think is a must. People complained about the “foolish” drivers. I assume these “foolish” drivers won’t have a great rank.

Server Filters
Introduction to server filters.
This should be put up for those hosting or joining a game. You of course can have several filters on.

Steering Method
DS2/Wheel/Doesn’t matter

Type of Car
(So users can choose to race certain type of cars. The user should be able to choose several different types of cars in a race if he she wants)

Car Company
(If the driver wants to have a race with just a or several certain car companies)

(So they can race against specific cars)

drivetrain ------- FF, RR, Mid, 4wheel,ect (greenlightning)

car maker location (greenlightning)

year the car was built (greenlightning)

tire wear on / off (greenlightning)

entry fee -------- (greenlightning)

pay-out option, winner take all, 50 percent to winner so much to rest etc.(greenlightning)

for race series number of tracks and laps per each race (greenlightning)

Overall Individual Rank
(So the user can race against people in a certain rank level)

Individual Rank For a Specific Brand
(So the user can race against people in a certain rank level on a certain car company. Lets say you love car x and want to race someone in your rank level but drives a car y)

Individual Rank For a Specific type of racing
(So the user can race against people in a certain rank level)

Individual Rank For a Specific Track
(So the user can race against people in a certain rank level)

minmum/maximum Bhp (Set by live4speed)

minimum/maximum weight allowed (Set by live4speed)

The current value of the car

Cars initial price

How much has been invested in tweaks

Percentage of the cars value put in upgrades

Handicap (greenlightning)

driving the wrong way put on ignore list/personal ban list (vat_man)

Ping Limit (eagle)

Pole positions/Grids based on; (posted by green lightning)
In order of arrival (to race)
Skill rating

tire types (Event Horizon)

Drift/grip (Event Horizon)

I wouldn’t mind paying a small fee for this.
Other features I am interested would be to let users set up an “quasi official” race. They tell the servers that they are X numbers of people willing to race. The rules are a,b,c,. Everyone to join pays D amount (optional of course) and winner takes E percent and 2nd place takes F percent ect. This is great if you want to race people not in your area.
Ability to save opponents Ghosts for that race.

I hope they will host from time to time “official” cups with small prizes.
Downloadable tracks or cars for a fee or not.
The ability for better drivers to set up “schools” for worse drivers.
To have the ability to view other drivers garages (if allowed by the owner)
Posted By Sven; official sponsors, so that if youre in a certain rank you get money, (could be done by PD/Sony/others) to put initiative on the players to play better and better.
Posted by Greenlightning; Race Director
Posted by Greenlightning;None racers can view the race
Posted by Vat_man;driving the wrong way will give temporary ban, forever ban, (some sort of punishment)
I hope that they force the pal to be 60 Hz as most EU TVs support it. Or at least ensure that no one has an advantage as Bungie is stating that with Halo 2 that no one will have an advantage.

Do you have any tips? Ill post them into first post.
Good ideas but a couple of other very important options for online would be maximum Bhp and minimum weight allowed. I would think these options will be available when creating a race, so being able to filter races by these options as well as your ideas is also a must.
I think that having settings for Races will be one of the most vital aspects of having great races. That way you will be at least sure that all 6 cars are somewhat equally matched. I imagine that there will be differnt game lobbies, waiting stages for players where they will meet. Then from that point players can make races and invite other racers to race. Or you can create a open race and wait on 5 other racers to join you. Unless it is a private races, people in the lobbies should be able to browes through the current races that are being set-up. They should be able to see, what track it is, number of laps, pre-request, and maybe rating level. I would guess that all players are set-up with a online account and that each player would be given a rating.
Then as you race your rating will improve or decrease. I think their should be a master standings list, then seperate list for differnt race classifications.
As far as race limitations go, the following are what I consider top priority. The race could be simply a quick race with no limitations or the race maker could choose from any of the below examples of possible race limitations
  • horse power range. ex. 0 - 200, 200 - 300, 300 - 400, 400 - 500, 500 - 600 etc.
  • drivetrain ------- FF, RR, Mid, 4wheel if not checked then open many any drivetrain can enter
  • car maker location --- North America, Japan, Europe etc.
  • car manufactor
  • specific car make/model
  • year the car was built
  • tire wear on / off
  • player rating level
  • entry fee -------- at least I hope we have this option
  • pay-out option, winner take all, 50 percent to winner so much to rest etc.
  • for race series number of tracks and laps per each race
Some more that I left off that could be use to get even playing fields. Cost of car, have it so that you can restrict all cars to not costing more then 25,000 ; 50,000 ; 100,000 etc. This means the cost of the car and all parts. Car settings maybe have a limitation where the car settings must be stock, meaning you can buy parts but not adjust their settings. Oh also it would be good to have some settings to allow for some handicap races, maybe some one can think of some really good ideals. Maybe such as players with a rating that is so much lower then someone else can use cars with more horsepower or they can race with out tire wear.
Perhaps we could have a difficulty setting kind of like licenses where if you crash or 4 tires go off the track it is a instant DQ.
Thanks Soman for adding my ideals to your list. With out race settings it will be a free for all and getting good races will be hard or difficult to arrange. I guess if the settings our limited or none at all then some people will have to make racing leagues and set-up races that the players sign-up for. Hopefully GT4 does allow at least one player to watch the race and that player could be the race director. Just maybe but I doubt it, the race director could view each players car specs before the race started. If not after the race or durring the race the director would have to make differnt rulings. Maybe pentalize the player so many seconds or if need be rank / rating deductions by whatever the leagues rules have set.
Anyone involved in a collision after driving the wrong way around the track for more than 3 seconds gets an instant ban.
Updated. I put it driving the wrong way as a filter list for the personal ban list and also as a feature for the whole gaming online world. I hope you dont mind me not putting a "Limit" as I guess the most important thing is not to drive the wrong way for malicious reasons.
Just a counter thought - the idea of hosters making judgements over the legality of a car or whatever greenlightning was attempting to explain, that's a *****. That means lamers don't even have to disconnect during the race, they can wait for it to finish then disqualify the winner.

Driving the wrong way... I'm trying to think if there's an instance you might drive against traffic for longer than 3 seconds, I bet it does indeed happen if you spin out at some point.

Guess I'd better contribute something while I'm here: perhaps ping limits to prevent lagged players joining and hence inadvertently disrupting games?

Basically what I am asking is should there be differnt settings for choosing which players start in #1, #2 etc. I think that most people who play GT series do not use qualifying including myself.
If there was a bonus for taking the pole position, I would qaulify more often. In GT3 you can run as many laps as you want ( I think been a while since I have when qaulify ) to try and set the fastest lap, and also all the cars qualify on the track at the same time. Personally I do not think online qualifying would work to well unless it was set at like 4 laps max, then best lap time sets the starting grid. But I was thinking of other ideals that might be more feasable. These would kind of fall into the pre-race settings options.

  • person who sets up race starts in 1st place, then other take the next positions as they start
  • have starting grid be totally random
  • have starting grid be based on current player skill rating ------- higher gets 1st position etc. or you can reverse the grid with higher taked 6th spot
  • have starting posiition be based on standings, higher rank gets 1st or you can reverse order and they get 6th spot
  • Have starting grid be based on both rank and standings
  • Car with most horsepower takes last spot or could be based on other settings
  • Have race creator manually assign starting spots to all players
  • For handicap, be able to set so many second delay start for any or all cars

Of course for quick races or non league races, there could be a quck start setting which basically just allows you to pick a track and then as soon as 5 players join the race starts. Maybe defaut for most tracks 5 laps. Also perhaps you only want some grudge matchs with your 1 or two friends then there would need to be a number of players option, deafault would be 6 or 2 depending on the track.
An alternative to having to qualify online at the time would be for people to be able to set a best time in Free Run and then use that record as their qualifying time for the circuit when they race online.
Eagle you might be refering to this not sure, but perhaps a enhanced time trial mode, which would have 50 percent of the tracks. You then take specific cars or maybe can choose between at most a dozen cars for each differnt horse power and or drive train class. Each car would be the same , each time you drive that car, maybe you could adjust the car settings but not save them. A large part of racing especially fast lap times depend on the car settings so if would be more realistic to be able to tune the car to your taste. Every time trial car would come with a certain amount of parts, and some of thoes parts could be adjustable.
ummm, how about
  • F1 cars/no F1 cars
  • racing/non-racing modifications
  • tire types
  • Drift/grip
Originally posted by Eagle
Driving the wrong way... I'm trying to think if there's an instance you might drive against traffic for longer than 3 seconds, I bet it does indeed happen if you spin out at some point.

That's why I put the collision clause in - it would only click in if you were involved in a collision. There could be an additional condition that driving the wrong way for more than 10 seconds without a collision would be a ban, to accomodate turning around at course like Monaco where there's little room.
Sounds good then.

Grip/drift, do you mean like, holding drifting competitions the same way they'll be in single player?
Originally posted by Event Horizon
ummm, how about
  • F1 cars/no F1 cars
  • racing/non-racing modifications
  • tire types
  • Drift/grip
F1 cars/no F1 cars would come under car types related filters.
The racing cars or road cars is a good one as is tyre type's.
There i no way to filter drift and grip unless it's a competition in which case GT4 will have dedicated drift competitions anyway, if you referring to driving style in general, then you can't filter that. Theres nothing to stop me deciding to drift in a race online.
Seems like a pretty comprehensive list. 👍 The ranking idea sounds pretyy cool 'cos it will allow those who are not so good a chance to race race each other and therefore not be an unfair race. congrats to all who compiled it and lets hope PD include most of it.:cheers:
What about a qualifying before the race? Or at least a possibility for manual influence on the starting grid! I think this could be important for the fairness of an online-championship-series (private or official).
Obviously some of these filters are almost certain to be implemented in gt4. Otherwise it wouldn't be possible to drive a classics race, or just to race with a low powered car. I just hope it will be implemented well. Knowing KY, it will.

But even if this isn't implemented well I only want one thing: Passworded servers. Then it is possible to make your own rules and play with friends who don't screw you up.;)
New Filter / Method of Online Races

Recently I have been thinking that perhaps have races where the driver with the most consistant times win the race. That way anyone can pick anycar and have just about as good of chance as winning the race as a person driving a 900 hp monster. Actually cars in the medium horsepower range might have a better chance, since it should be easier to get more consistant laps in those cars. Also there would be no benifit to bumping into someone or trying to run them off the road, and no reason to try and block them. Everyone would just try and race the most perfect laps ( not necessarily the fastest ). On races over ten laps it would be important to choose the correct tires, and drive in such away as to keep tire wear consistant, otherwise your lap times will not be consistant, therefore lesser chance of winning. Anyway just another mode that could be possible for online racing.
That's a pretty novel concept, but barging people out of the way still aids your cause because it will cause a fluctuation in their lap time as well. I don't see how you could run it with other cars on the circuit either, it'd wind up being like Le Mans where you have cars from different classes lapping at vastly different speeds, and thus dealing with traffic would cause a problem with your lap time. Also, there's an incentive not to actually race, but rather coast around and make sure you're pretty close to 3 minutes on each lap say. It's a bit of a troublesome one.
I see your point Eagle. Would be better if we had at least 12 cars on the track. I think seeing a variety of race cars in a race is one of the things that I really like about Lemans style of races. Anyway I am sure that any given time of the day there will be most likely hundreds of players setting up races, so there should not be a problem in finding races that you are interested in. Race traffic is a part of any type of race.
We can't get more than 6 cars on track, which has been a source of much frustration to most of us. However, I had a thought last night, and it's one I can't recall seeing before, so I figured I'd come and post it.

I don't know what most of you think but I find 1 lap qualifying pretty exciting in Formula 1 these days. Look at Sato's 360 and subsequent recovery last night. The problem with OLR atm as we host it is that people are free to sit there for hours setting phenomenal times. What if you only had one lap though? Could you get it all together and make it perfect?

If we have a Free Run mode where you just get the one lap instead of (essentially) infinite ones, I think that'd be pretty fun. You could have far more than 6 competitors. However, running one at a time is slower, so I think you would still split competitors into heats of 6. The winner from each heat moves on to the next round. Whilst one person runs, the rest get to watch the proceedings. Thoughts?
Can't wait till online gaming arrives for Gran Turismo 4!

One idea I have is for there to be a track day style section to the online racing. Here are some ideas:

  1. Open pit lane. You go out and do a few laps in your car, come back in to the pits make a few changes and go back out for a faster time.
  2. Any car would be allowed since it's just a free run if you like. So it means there would be a range of cars, fast and slow, small and big.
  3. It would be more realistic and fun watching someone in a faster car overtake you or vice versa.
  4. The ability to see the lap times each user is making.
  5. It is not a race though, just a trackday style bit of fun.
I think this would add more realism to the whole online scene for GT4. It would be damn good fun too!

Online Free-run mode or perhaps online time trials would be nice to have. Being able to go in the pits and change your settings would be great. It would still be limited to 6 players, but players and leave when they want or join any session that has a open spots available.

If there is qualifying, ( unless it is a rolling start ) two laps should be the minimum and 4 laps the max, qualifying on the longer tracks should not be required.

My ideal for tournament style races would be this.
Have two rounds. Round one consist of 6 races, with 6 racers each. The winner from each of thoes races goes on to round 2. Perhaps round one would be 5 to 10 laps and round 2 would be 10 to 20 laps. Anyway, this would in a since give 36 players the chance to compete at the same time. Or there could be what is know as swiss style of tournaments where the race director picks the number of rounds, then the drivers would be paired off in groups of 6, at the end of 4 rounds the driver with the most wins get declared the winner.