Feedback needed

United States
United States
I'm new to editing photos and I want to improve. Be critical. I spent alot of time editing the little things in each shot. Thanks.

:drool: or :crazy:?
The editing is sublime - a really nice finish. The last one - I agree with last 2 comments.

The first 2 - its compositional. If you're going to shoot part of the car, I think you need to make that more obvious...zoom in a bit more for example. For me, they look like you've missed the nose and the rear off the frame.
But, like I said, excellent editing - lovely reflections and steel work going on there.👍
Your new to editing and your already better than me.

I don't like 1 and 2 , not because of editing but simply because you cutted the car.

"the last one is sick"
Thanks for the feedback. The reason why I cut the car in the first and second picture is that I wanted to focus on parts of the car. For the first photo, I wanted the tire treads to be seen and the back part of the car. With the whole car in the picture, it looked cliche. The second picture, I wanted to show off the body line of the car. That car is just sexy.