Ferrari F1 2010/ suspension and downforce settings?

  • Thread starter TheToad263


Does anyone have some advice for the suspension and downforce settings for the ferrari 2010? have my downforce set at the max both front and back and I have the standard settings for the suspension. I know that people have been saying that tuning either F1 is pointless but it would be nice to know which settings would make the car perform at it's peak. Help would be greatly appreciated.
I bought the F10 a while back but hadn't turned a wheel until the new seasonal event cropped up. Did the Tokyo race without any changes but had a go at setting her up for the DS3 for the other 2.
The only real change I made was to take a 1/4 of the downforce off the front, I use the D-pad and needed to dull initial turn-in: 81/150.
I softened the front anti-roll bar to claw back some grip but that's about it.
LSD is 10/30/25 and brake balance is 6/4 - ABS = 5.
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I put 25 more aero on both, change the gearing to match the track (360km/h I think) and left the rest stock. Running on DS3, manual, abs to 1 nothing else, works great for me.
So far I have only done a quick setup to reduce bottoming out and make turn-in less nervous. Worked nicely on the seasonal challenge.

Aero: 108/150 (default)
LSD: 7/30/10
Springs: 19.7/19.3
Dampers Ext: 7/7
Dampers Com: 7/7
Anti-Roll: 6/6
Camber (-): 3.0/1.0
Toe: 0/0
Brakes: 8/6

ABS=1, all else off (DS3)
I've been using this one,
hope this helps.

Original quoted text from the link above, just to save some time...:

Well here's a tune, but you're not going to get rid of the FFB shake. Trust me, it was going crazy for me as well on Nordschleife.

I always tune my cars first for Nürburgring GP/D, and then test them on Nordschelife. I've changed the oil in this car, and broken it in just a bit as well. It might go a little higher still, but for now here are the specs:

Ferrari F10 '10

716 hp

And here's my setup:

Aero: 127/175
LSD: 9/36/17
Height: (not adjustable)
Springs: 15.8/15.9
Ext: 7/8
Com: 7/8
Roll: 6/7
Camber: -3.2/-1.2
Toe: -0.55/0.53
Brakes: 8/2

There is so much room for variation with this car that you could tweak it to infinity. But I feel that the stock setup is very solid already, and most of how well these cars will perform weighs with the driver.

I ran this car for several laps on Nürburgring GP/D, with an average lap time in the high 1:08's. Fastest lap was 1:08:212, with a trans. setting of 199 mph.

I also took a couple of very conservative laps on Nordschelife. My fastest time was 5:25:167, with the trans. set at 217 mph (default). Don't go any lower or you will max the rev limiter on the long straight. I'm quite sure this car is capable of a 5:20 time on that track, probably in the 5-teen range as well.

Enjoy the tune, hope it helps.
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