Ferrari F10 Spasms, please eliminate

  • Thread starter Fredzy
United States
I searched around a bit but came up empry so here we go.

Bought the Ferrari F10, I use a g27 wheel. When I am going thru an easy high speed bend, the wheel vibrates violently (like a lot of MR cars but much much worse) and then floats off the track as the tires no longer seem to be in contact with the road. Its bad to where I fear for the safety of the wheel lol, plus it makes driving less satisfying.

I messed with the suspension a bit, no luck. Happens stock, r softs, downforce up a touch. Any ideas???

Didn't try the F2007 yet, never had trouble with it in prologue.
It sounds similar to what nearly everything with large amounts of downforce did in GT4 at high speeds... It's mostly a problem with the springs and damper settings; I've no idea where to go with the F10 as I don't have one so I apologize for not being of much help but... Probably slightly higher extension and slightly lower bound for the dampers... Don't know whether it wants less or more front spring without driving it though.
The F2007 doesn't get unstable like the F10 does. I've still got the same problem but I've just been sucking it up and gripping the wheel like it owes me money.
Perhaps toughen up the suspension overall, and definitely try adjusting dampers. Experiment with high compression to extension ratio and vice versa. Not sure though, as I don't have any cars with this problem..
I think I'll try hardening the car up incrementally. Then I'll try the opposite if that doesn't work, which seems more likely. But I'd rather have a stiff F1 car tho so I'll try to make that work.

Thanks for the advice fellas.
I have the same problem on the straights at Indy with the X2010. So much so that I usually just unplug the power. Strange its only bad on that track... maybe they should resurface it...!
I had the same problem with my F2010.

I was able to get rid of about 99% or it but it still creaps in when Im right behind another car or pushing way too hard at high speed.

I went Waaaaayyy soft on the dampers and played with the spring rates.
I also took most of the toe out of the front end and it went away (mostly)
I have also noticed that after a few laps it goes away once the tires get warm.

I am able to run first place at the Eifel course, but can seem to win.
My AI seems to like to spin me, serously.... I was in first place and the car behind flat out hooked me on a long turn.
Went from first to 12th in about .3 sec

I saved up and bought the F2007 and out of the box I beat the Eifel course by 2 sec. I have experianced no chatter from the 07, so it is now my main car for F1 and the 2010 will be a work in progress.

I know in real F1 racing its a side effect of the car hitting the ground casuing the tires to skip. But since we cant adjust R/H we have to really be good at setups.

Once I get it nailed down to a basic set up I'll post it.
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