Ferrari F2007 and F2010 Gold Chrome

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I've tried to find the Ferrari F2007 & Ferrari F2010 from GT5 save game editor with Gold Chrome! But to no avail. I could somehow make them myself perhaps, but very strange if they aren't on the internet somewhere. Even when I searched through GTplanet which had posted pictures of both formula cars in gold chrome years ago, I strangely enough forgot to save the pictures on my harddisk. Oh, and the Ferrari 330 P4 '67 in gold chrome is also a beauty to behold but can't find it on the internet.
They were never available in gold chrome by default, you had to paint them with the save editor since they're not paintable by default. Although I don't think I posted pictures of them, I have made both F1's in that color before and you can too by using save editors to edit the paint code.
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