FFB - Dirt rally with T300GTE - help?

  • Thread starter Dawid Cxod

Made this account specifically for this, does anyone have any decent settings for the T300RS or T300GTE for dirt rally?
Force feedback seems so strange, its like its none existent at times and all of a suddent its there....
In some turns, its great, and in some its so weak even at lower speed that I just power over in to a full spin for no reason... and counter steering isnt doing anything, car keeps just going in that overspin.

Is it me or do I have anyone who could help out setup settings?
Using thrustmaster T300GTE, TH8A shifter plus T3PA pro pedals.

New to sim racing aswell :P
The FFB is pretty bad in this game and the physics are more arcade than sim, the two things go hand in hand IMO. If the physics are basic then so will the FFB. There are FFB settings on one of the last pages of the main thread for Dirt rally on this forum. They might be worth a try, they make it feel less bad for me, but still not good enough to keep me interested in playing this game for more than a few minutes.

Here's the post:

I will try it probably tomorrow (can't be bothered to swap out wheels tonight).

This is what I ended up using as T300 settings by the end of the day, it's taken from Golanv's post on RD for the T500 and is a nice combination of road, tyre feel with the self-aligning torque about right for the T300. The RD original had SAT down at 48% which is about right for the relative motor power difference between T300 and T500...

self-aligning torque: 60%
wheel friction: 20%
tyre friction: 100%
suspension: 65%
tyre slip: 85%
collision: 70%
soft lock: 100%
(using 75/100/100/0/0 in drivers for the T300, 900 degrees lock)

Manhandling the Escort around Wales with 900 degrees steering lock was a serious learning experience. Paddles on the wheel are not good for that, I think fixed paddles or shifter is pretty essential to really rally with that steering lock :)
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Awesome man! Will try this out, so I think I might have miss read the whole concept of dirt. Most people seemed to like it... but apparently its still arcade/sim then pure sim ...

Man when will they start focusing more on quality :P
No problem, hope it helps. I got duped by that sim claim too, I can't understand how so many people think it's realistic. Were the other dirt titles less realistic than this? I've never felt like I was driving a car while playing this game, some real driving techniques don't work. Leaving off the throttle acts like brakes which reminds me of arcade titles I played.