FINALLY getting around to this place.

  • Thread starter Dwhite
United States
After watching Super GT's GT Sport videos for... I'd say over a year at this point, and FINALLY working my way into obtaining Gran Turismo Sport(And a PS4 because I'm a pleb.), I should introduce myself.

My name is Dwhite. It shouldn't sound like Dwight, just D-White, for future clarifications. Anyways, I'm new to this game, not new to Gran Turismo. I've played both 2 and 4, so I am familiar with The Real Driving Simulator. I'mma be straight up with all of you and say that I will be a controller pleb due to not having enough money for even budget racing wheel controllers.

Anyways, hello to all, and I hope to see you around.
Welcome!! There's no sweat about using a DS4. Some GT Championship drivers like SiDawg started out with a controller, and they still managed to ascend to greatness! You'll be fine 👍