Finally getting around to this...

Pakt Sardine

United States
Minnesota, U.S.
Pakt Sardine
As you can see, I'm not new here. I guess I never bothered to make a thread here before. So... Hello! My name is Tom. I'm from Duluth, MN. I found GTPlanet one day almost by accident. About a year ago, I was obsessed with, being a Resident Evil fan. Sometime after Resident Evil 5 was released, my attention for the website decided to grow thin. Having just purchased a Playstation 3, I was reunited with Metal Gear Solid (4) and Gran Turismo (5: Prologue), my other two favorite game series. I was playing and analyzing MGS4 a lot, and decided to find a fan site much like was. I found one, and it turned out to be quite lame. So, I then set my target on GT. The first site was GTPlanet, and I thought I'd check it out. I was in-awe by the size of this site, and the massive community. I just had to be a member. Then a Premium Member. Thank you Jordan for this wonderful site, staff and community.

In 1998, my grandma brought home a new copy of the first Gran Turismo. It was quite a surprise, seeing as though I showed no interest in cars at all before then. I gave it a try, loved it, and so the story goes. I own 1-5p, both of the GT Logitech wheels (which I use every time I play now), and have the GT5: CE on reserve with the whole $100. That is because I knew I'd be buying a house eventually (which I've made an offer on one yesterday. Wish me luck!), and my budget will be quite tight.

I travel the forum quite frequently. Threads like the GT5 News and General Discussion, Forza 3, Consoles & PC, The Rumble Strip and The Infield. I'm always a little shy of posting, but that's fine. Just reading is great fun, as well.

Anyway, I'm glad to be here. Thank you all for helping me for whatever, and making me feel welcome. Cheers! 👍 :)
As you can see, I'm not new here. I guess I never bothered to make a thread here before. So... Hello! My name is Tom. I'm from Duluth, MN. I found GTPlanet one day almost by accident. About a year ago, I was obsessed with, being a Resident Evil fan. Sometime after Resident Evil 5 was released, my attention for the website decided to grow thin. Having just purchased a Playstation 3, I was reunited with Metal Gear Solid (4) and Gran Turismo (5: Prologue), my other two favorite game series. I was playing and analyzing MGS4 a lot, and decided to find a fan site much like was. I found one, and it turned out to be quite lame. So, I then set my target on GT. The first site was GTPlanet, and I thought I'd check it out. I was in-awe by the size of this site, and the massive community. I just had to be a member. Then a Premium Member. Thank you Jordan for this wonderful site, staff and community.

In 1998, my grandma brought home a new copy of the first Gran Turismo. It was quite a surprise, seeing as though I showed no interest in cars at all before then. I gave it a try, loved it, and so the story goes. I own 1-5p, both of the GT Logitech wheels (which I use every time I play now), and have the GT5: CE on reserve with the whole $100. That is because I knew I'd be buying a house eventually (which I've made an offer on one yesterday. Wish me luck!), and my budget will be quite tight.

I travel the forum quite frequently. Threads like the GT5 News and General Discussion, Forza 3, Consoles & PC, The Rumble Strip and The Infield. I'm always a little shy of posting, but that's fine. Just reading is great fun, as well.

Anyway, I'm glad to be here. Thank you all for helping me for whatever, and making me feel welcome. Cheers! 👍 :)

Welcome to :gtplanet: my fellow member.

I also use this forum to post something about GT5, motorsport and other things as well.

Thanks! I read the Motorsports Forum from time to time, particularly Formula One, seeing as though I started watching it this season. Well, thanks for the reply! 👍 :)
I really like your story. It shows how gran turismo can convert you from someone who just says meh to a racing game to someone who orders the collectors edition 2 months early for 100$
I waited four years until I made my introduction thread.

I'm curious as to why newer members are becoming premium. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see so many members supporting GTPlanet, but it took me a long time to make the decision to get premium, since I wanted to make sure I was commited enough to buy into the site. But now I'm seeing alot of new members with under 100 posts becoming premium.

But anyways, Hello.
I guess it's probably because GTP's Awesomeness cup is overflowing. That or people have too much monies nowadays :lol:
Welcome to the 'Planet, and great intro :)👍
Thank you guys for your responses. 👍

Anyway, I don't think I could give a truly honest reason why I became a premium, other than I was impressed with this site and felt it was deserving of it.