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I should've had this done over a week ago...but it pays to order from a reliable company anyways, my purchases went as follows, New enermax case w/ side window and blue sound sensitive neon tube, plus "bubble lights" on the front panel that change colors. to dress it up inside I bought a tri blue led fan w/ a red led thats linked the hard drive indicator so it flashes whenever the hard drive is "thinking", which i put on the side panel, another quad blue LED uv sensitive fan to put in the rear of the case, and i put the regular clear fan that came with the case on the top vent. I also purchased some round IDE and floppy cables that are UV sensitive, and a black light to light those up, plus a kick ass fan grill to put on the side of my case. PLUS last week i bought a stick of 512mb DDR ram to replace my 512mb sdram cuz office max was having a great deal. So as a wise man named vin diesel once said..... "I want all of that..."
"...in there!"
and it shall be done!!!
You can see the neon tube on the bottom, the black light is just above the plexiglass on the side panel, out of the pic.
heres a couple pics of the case all closed up, the black light really isnt as bright as i thought it would be, you can sorta see the uv cable at the top lit up, thats cuz its right next to the black light, lower down in the case they dont really glow that much. Oh darn, guess i'll just have to buy another black light
heres a straight on pic of the front panel
heres a few pics of the side fan. that grill goes w/ the fan perfectly. you can see the cables on the bottom dont really glow that much. they're probably getting too lit up by everything else for the black light to have any effect on em. if i throw another one on the bottom it should help tho
Add to that the fact that I just got broadband this week....and its been a good week!! new case w/ new internals, 512mb ddr ram, and broadband...this is better than x-mas. hehe. Anyways, let me know what you think, the pics dont do it quite the justice they should, but you can get the general idea
"...in there!"
and it shall be done!!!
You can see the neon tube on the bottom, the black light is just above the plexiglass on the side panel, out of the pic.
heres a couple pics of the case all closed up, the black light really isnt as bright as i thought it would be, you can sorta see the uv cable at the top lit up, thats cuz its right next to the black light, lower down in the case they dont really glow that much. Oh darn, guess i'll just have to buy another black light
heres a straight on pic of the front panel
heres a few pics of the side fan. that grill goes w/ the fan perfectly. you can see the cables on the bottom dont really glow that much. they're probably getting too lit up by everything else for the black light to have any effect on em. if i throw another one on the bottom it should help tho
Add to that the fact that I just got broadband this week....and its been a good week!! new case w/ new internals, 512mb ddr ram, and broadband...this is better than x-mas. hehe. Anyways, let me know what you think, the pics dont do it quite the justice they should, but you can get the general idea