Finished 100%... WHAT NOW?

  • Thread starter CosmoNoMAD
Now my QUESTION might (?) be interesting to anyone!?

For everybody comes the glorious moment... when you're DONE a 100%.
On one hand... it feels grrreat!
On the other... what NOW?

You earned all STARS... in 2022 there are no "Seasonals" and such ONLINE-Stuff.
You can't afford a PS5... and therefore no GT7.
What really interests me strongly:

HOW do YOU manage this FACT??

  • do you just race randomly?
  • do you start all over again, with a 2nd account in your PS3?
  • do you go through any Event from the start, weither allready all won?

I think, you guess what i mean, hm?!
There are truly hundreds of ways to "just play arround", but... may be someone has found kinda "alternative Concept" to play GT6... a 2nd time???
Would be kind if you recognize this question... and answer HOW YOU act.
I would bet that THIS Question came along to EVERYBODY...

BIG Thx!
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Well considering how GT7 is....GT6 is the better game....and GT Sport is the best game. I hate GT7...worst game in the series.
So I'd just look into getting GT Sport on PS4 and avoid PS5 and GT7 all together.
But that's just my opinion.
Anyways about GT6...I used to just do random races on my favorite tracks.
I won't lie though, I'm getting interested in replaying some of the old GT's....