First GT5 Drift Video

  • Thread starter Shadymods
I am not claiming to be a good drifter or movie maker....just sharing a video i made because its a fun way to spend some time.

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Video of 1 lap around Autumn Ring Mini after buying a Mugen S2000 '00 and putting comfort hard tires on. Its a fun car to drive after getting used to it for a few.

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Click the you tube button and only opaste what is after the "=" symbol.

[ YOUTUBE]zJ7aev1dblM[ /YOUTUBE]

That woudl be the code but i put in spaces to be able to show you..

Hope it helps.
No problem man. Tip for the next video; put the cam on a tri-pod or some other solid surface. Keeps the image nice and steady..

Nice drifting though; keep at it!
a little video i put together after driving for a few with a new friend, D-ry71. We had alot of fun online. Drifting has introduced me to some good people over the last couple nights. Praise be the Playstation and GT5 :)

nice vids Shady!

always good to find you in a room and smashin' on the track.

I am not claiming to be a good drifter or movie maker....just sharing a video i made because its a fun way to spend some time.


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